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Artist Name

Yang Yuan Yuan

Hometown: Beijing

Based in: Beijing

As a student, Yuan Yuan would often get bullied for her surname, as it sounds very similar to the character “Lamb” in Chinese meaning sheep.
The use of sheep in almost all of her artworks is also meant to represent a sense of softness, gentleness, and kindness. Sheep are known to mankind as prey, who struggle very hard to survive in the wild. This brings a sense of childlike playfulness to cushion the hardships and sentiments of real life the artist tries to convey.
Yuan Yuan mentions in her artist statement that “through the depiction of little lambs in my artworks, I express the psychological journey of growth and the current social relationships. I remain steadfast in my belief in a better future. Despite the challenges of life, I have gained insight into the world and still possess a warm and clear heart. I hope to quietly shine my light with my humble efforts.”


Collections Featuring Yang Yuan Yuan

1 Collection

AGAS Gallery Weekend 2023

AGAS Gallery Weekend 2023

20 Artists, 51 Products

Last updated: September 4, 2023

Articles Featuring Yang Yuan Yuan

1 Article