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Artist Name

Yuliya Martynova

Born: 1980

Hometown: Cavrsham, Berkshire

Based in: Caversham

Born and raised in Kazakhstan (1980) promising art school graduate age 15 Yuliya was set to study law following collapse of the Soviet Union.
She moved to London in 2005 and spent 10 years building her career in energy and wealth management.

In 2015 she lost interest in corporate world and became a full time artist.

A r t i s t S t a t e m e n t:
To sum up the subjects that follow through Yuliya's varied collections and unite those seemingly different styles at core, she emphasises on deeply personal dilemmas:

-Weight free existence & escapism
-Grace & elegance in a landscape
-Infantilism & ingenuity of human kind
-Loss of identity & change in life pace
-Time borrowing vs quality of time

M e d i a :

Watercolour in particular has been Yuliya's long standing dominant media though she ventures to mix water based materials with oil, graphite, and acrylic on wood, canvas and paper.
She is highly regarded for her recognisable and unique watercolour on canvas style.
Yuliya is a frequent participant of London art fairs, regular works with interior designers on luxury residential, cruise liners and hospitality projects and nurture plans to bring more work to the US in the upcoming years.


Yuliya Martynova In The Studio

main image

More About Yuliya Martynova

Question IconWhat inspires you?

going to the art galleries and visiting new art shows / fairs which are plentiful in London is the best kick for my productivity

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

as a multidisciplinary artist working on several collections, my creative flow varies. But it takes 8 hours standing a day and is very physical. Lots of water, lots of drying, lots of documentaries in my audio

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

joy, romantic, journey,

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Ian Fisher, Tommy Clarke, Fran Mora

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

hair dryer and fibre cotton

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Don't take rejections personally and inspiration & development comes quick only when you paint. So make yourself paint. Every day.

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

Maldives, Spain, Bahamas, Florippa, Greece, Sardinia, Devon, Caspian Sea (home town - Aktau)

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