Zen Chang Tchao
Born: 1967
Hometown: Paris
Based in: Paris
About Zen Chang Tchao
Zen Chang Tchao is a painter born in Paris in 1967
A number of personal exposition in France, regular collective expositions at the Grand Palais, and paintings in private collections, mainly in the USA and England.
In his work, Zen Chang Tchao is interested in relations of tension, and the fight of a person against the oppressing social system in which he is living. He is searching in his traditions, personal points of reference to which he opposes the external world's manipulation, and his main values: information and digital language
Zen Chang Tchao creates a unique code with its own logic, as an alternative to a whole chaotic digital technology. This way, the artist tries to resist the destruction brought by the system, to slow down his speed, to understand the complexity of the present and with his own personal emotional experience finds the structure, thick and dense, black and white histograms start to act as mathematics formulas, as a way of analysis, and their positions in the image are the result of the long and difficult path towards a fragile harmony, the reflection when the artist finds his answer, this perfect and rare balance.
At any moment this fragile harmony can be destroyed, changed into chaos, coming out from the frame of a painting, but the moment which holds it, brings the force and energy to face the reality, an emotional and intellectual tension which bear a therapeutic and critical function of the reality, becomes a true action for the artist.
Zen Chang Tchao is an artist painter, he was born in 1973 in Montmartre of Paris.
He expresses his own emotions and thoughts through abstract landscapes. Unlike a lot of other painters, Zen Chang Tchao’s paintings are the ones of the idea which are translated by the gesture.
He interprets the Chinese traditional painting that the most important thing is not to convey the likeness of the visual world but the inner meaning and these thoughts and feelings.
With the same objective, Zen Chang Tchao uses in these painting the Chinese traditional calligraphy with thousands of signs which define the ideas and create the relieves.
The calculated strength of the gesture to pose the spirited forms, the vibrant lines entangle overlapping in a common direction resembling to explode further and finally disperse usually monochrome background reflecting a hectic interior.
There is an evident interaction between the music and the work of Zen Chang Tchao. Many of these paintings are translations of classical musical works.
Chopin’s rhythm and musicality appear in “Polish No.1”, drama in Carlos Orff’s works of “Carmina Burana” or the force of the river revealed by Smetana in the “Moldau”.
The music helps also the spectator to read the desires of the author, it also leads to getting his own emotion.
"Like the river would get out of the bed and find the freedom, the lines get out of the middle to the edge of the painting and try to break out of the mould frame. The red colour gives intensity until the final explosion after a test to get out of the river and obtains the strength. The painting seems to change into the inner world as if it was the rewriting of the partition from Smetana. The trip on the river turns into travel in space."
Gesture, lyrical works and signs are the characteristics of Zen Chang Tchao’s painting which intends to be in acrylic & digital.
The artist began working with digital painting in 1989 when Apple appeared and allowed to use software such as ARTMIXER or now Painter with the same technique in the digital format.
And If Zen Chang Tchao finds the magic of gesture, the touch of the brush and the possibility to see and feel the acrylic painting, the computer gives the possibility to realize it all instantly.
Zen Chang Tchao is convinced that there will be a future for digital painting but he also continues to work with acrylic.
During all these years of research, the author has found a colour combination (24 colours).
He seeks an interior balance in the chaotic exterior world that remains to Zen Chang Tchao the cause and the aim to create each new painting.
Zen Chang Tchao In The Studio
More About Zen Chang Tchao
What inspires you?
My work is inspired by the balance of the elements both at the physical and psychological level. I try to create a balance among this chaos
Describe your creative process.
I chose a Chinese histogram which serves me as a basic writing which I repeat in 24 basic colors which I use all the time until I find a stable equilibrium.
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
balance, writing and multiplicity
Who are some artists that have influenced your work?
Zao Wou-Ki, Hans Hartung, Soulages
What is the most important tool when creating your work?
The music
What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
Deconstruct before building
Where do you go for inspiration?
The nature