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10 Art Instagrammers Every Art Lover Should Be Following

ByYunyi Lau
10 Art Instagrammers Every Art Lover Should Be Following

Instagram has become one of the best places to learn more about the Asian Art scene and stay up to date with the latest news. The Artling has put together a list of some of the most interesting and influential Instagram accounts owned by members of the contemporary Asian art community you should be following!


1. Mulyana (@themogus), Indonesian artist

Follow the adventures of Indonesian artist Mulyana’s Mogus – colourful octopus creatures made from yarn that live in Cloud Coral textiles the artist is known for – as they travel the world, through his Instagram account. Mogus almost being run over by a tram in Hong Kong, Mogus among the plastic flowers at Singaporean artist Donna Ong’s ‘My Forest Has No Name’ exhibition, Mogus sunbathing at Brighton beach in Melbourne – you get the picture!


2. Dawn Ng (@dawn___ng), Singaporean artist

Known for her quirky installation of balloon rabbit, Walter, outside the Singapore Art Museum, Singaporean artist Dawn Ng’s Instagram account is equally wacky. Alongside pictures of her works in various states of progress, are her observations of the everyday through her artistic eye and her own adventures abroad. Often a guest star in her photos is her and her husband’s super adorable corgi Muffin kitted out in some very creative outfits!


3. Kelly Ying (@kellyyingxoxo), Co-founder of ART021 Art Fair, Shanghai

If you had any doubt that the Asian art industry was one that was sexy and glamourous, Kelly Ying’s Instagram would completely dispel that, as it follows her journey through the art and fashion world. Alongside images of her at some of the amazing parties, are some of the most amazing works of art she encounters. With her eye for aesthetics, Kelly’s Instagram perfectly fuses art with fashion.


4. Singapore Art Museum (@singaporeartmuseum), Asian Contemporary Art institution in Singapore

Singapore’s foremost contemporary art museum, dedicated entirely to art, the Singapore Art Museum’s Instagram account is choc-a-block full of Southeast Asian art and beyond. They feature the latest updates on the programmes organized and the daily ins and outs of running the museum itself. Our favourite posts, however, come from their visits to overseas exhibitions and galleries – so much wanderlust!


5. Philip Tinari (@philiptinari), Director of Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing

Philip Tinari is a notable writer, critic, art curator, and an expert in Contemporary Chinese Art. He was appointed as the Director if Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) in 2011 and oversees their exhibition programme, which makes it unsurprising that his Instagram account is a treasure trove of contemporary art with frequent cameos by artists such as Xu Zhen, Vigy Jin, Xu Bing, Yang Fudong and many more!


6. teamLab (@teamlab_news), Ultra-Technologist artist collective

This artist collective has been making waves with their art-meets-tech installations that feature cutting-edge technology; some recent projects include a permanent exhibition at the Marina Bay Sands Artscience Museum in Singapore, as well as an exhibition in Silicon Valley, California organized by PACE gallery. Their Instagram account features the images and videos of their latest multi-sensory installations – prepare to be amazed!


7. Adrian Cheng (@ac_kaf), Founder of K11 and K11 Art Foundation

Art Collector and founder of K11 and K11 Art Foundation, Adrian Cheng’s Instagram profile reads “In Art We Live” and based on his social media posts, he certainly adopts that as a life motto. Often posting images of art he encounters on his travels, as well as projects he is currently working on, Mr Cheng’s Instagram account is a treasure trove of inspiration and art-related discoveries for the uninitiated.


8. Choi Seung Hyun (T.O.P) (@choi_seung_hyun_tttop), Korean celebrity and art lover

A member of the famous Korean band, Big Bang, Choi Seung Hyun (T.O.P) doesn’t seem to be the first person you would think of as a culture vulture. However, his Instagram account would prove you otherwise with photos of art frequently interspersed between his usual posts of selfies and photos of his travels. He has also been spotted at art fairs such as Art Stage Singapore, and takes the time to visit various museums and galleries.


9. Irwan Pean (@irwanpean), International art man of mystery

Looking at Mr Pean’s Instagram account, not much can be gathered about his identity. However, you would definitely not be starved of art as he travels the world documenting the most amazing works of art such as Xu Bing’s Book from the Sky at Museum Ludwig, Li Hong Bo’s Ocean of Flowers at the Asian Civilisation Museum, and Wang YuYang’s Artifical Moon at K11.


10. The Artling (@theartling)

Last, but certainly not least is our very own Instagram account! We aim to bring you the latest in art news in Asia, as well as daily of updates of the newest artworks available for purchase on our sites. Additionally, we frequently partner up with various art fairs and events all year round to bring you exclusive content. If you’re not already following us, you really should be!



Any views or opinions in the post are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the company or contributors.

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