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ART TAIPEI Celebrates 25 Years with ‘Indefinite Museum’

ByGrace Ignacia See
ART TAIPEI Celebrates 25 Years with ‘Indefinite Museum’

From 26 – 29 October, ART TAIPEI will be held once again at the Taipei World Trade Centre Exhibition Hall. It continues to gather steam in the Asian art market alongside its continued global development, accommodating to the constant shifting and changes of trends, continuing to pursue innovation in upgrading itself in terms of exhibition management, layout design and services for collectors.

This year, 135 top quality galleries from 13 countries are gathered at the exhibition, of which 34 are first-time attendees. At such a glittering, star-filled event, not only will the art gallery come away with unexpected audiences, collectors of all art forms will also meet artists and artworks across regions and different mediums.

3812 Gallery 蕭勤 | 宇宙能幻覺(L'illusione del potere Universo) | 布上壓克力 | 130 × 160 cm | 1965

Last year, ART TAIPEI was reshaped based on the concept of the “academia first, then market”, which was met with affirmation and resounding success. This year, the theme of “Indefinite Museum” is used to further extend and expand upon last year’s theme of “The Rise in Private Art Museum”, as well as ushering in the trends of the technological application into art galleries and exhibition venues to present the sparks that is produced when the two collide. The different themes of ART TAIPEI each year is based on global or local phenomena of the time, and goes further in organizing the exploration and research on the concepts. ART TAIPEI prides itself in this regard as such an undertaking is rarely seen in any other exhibitions elsewhere in the world.

Massimo De Carlo, 嚴培明 | Pablo Picasso | 布面油畫 | 200 × 200 cm | 2018

Aside from the traditional highlight of the main exhibition area, this year 25th edition will see “galleries” presenting artworks of international biennial and art gallery standards. The MIT: Taiwan Young Artists Connection with the World exhibition in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture will be aimed at nurturing up and coming local artists, as the new ASIA+ area unveils Asian galleries with brand new looks. Moving with the times, ART TAIPEI additionally invites experts from the different field to curate, and through the professional, academic organization of artworks, design special in-depth exhibition areas with different themes. These include the "Resonance · Loop - Art in Post-war Taiwan", dedicated to classical works of Taiwanese artists from earlier generations; the technology exhibition of “The Enigmatic Museum” brings a different but beautiful sensory experience to the audience; “Window to Video Art” Collection Exhibition provides a glimpse of rarely seen video art collections; and the Special Collection of Art Museum concurrently hosts seminal works from the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Yu-Hsiu Museum of Art, Hong-gah Museum and YO-CHANG Art Museum that resonate with this year's theme.

たけだ美術(Takeda Art Co.) 李禹煥_始於線 790143(From line 790143) | 油彩、礦物顏料、畫布 | 72.7 × 90.9 cm | 1979

Top quality local and overseas art galleries have congregated at this year’s exhibition. Notable institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art, Whitney Museum of American Art and the Museum of Contemporary Art will also be displaying an array of works. The ShanghART Gallery from Shanghai managed by the Swiss Lorenz Helbling is also attending the exhibition for the fifth time, bringing with him the artworks from YANG FUDONG, a contemporary Chinese video artist that has drawn significant international attention with the fusion of beauty and sadness in his works. The 3812 Gallery from Hong Kong has brought abstract paintings to explore Eastern philosophy and lead the avant-garde trend in Taiwanese contemporary art, as well as rare works from Hsiao Chin – known as a member of the Eight Great Outlaws. Takeda Art Co (たけだ美術) from Japan has brought the abstract painting of Lee U-fan, who has had a significant influence in the post-war Japanese art, a major promoter of Mono-ha in the late 1960s and 1970s, and is a representative of the Korean monochromatic painting style. Other overseas galleries include Longmen Art Projects, Amanda Wei Gallery, Amy Li Gallery, Triumph Gallery, Whitestone Gallery, Galerie Tamenaga, SHIBUNKAKU, SHINSEIDO, Galerie Bhak, ADMIRA Gallery, all bringing highly anticipated works that are worthy of attention and collections from lovers and collectors of art alike.

加力畫廊 葉子奇 | 四月的霧・玉里赤柯山 | 卵彩、油畫、亞麻布 | 71.12 × 106.68 cm | 2017

Aside from the main exhibition area set to impress visitors, this year’s ART TAIPEI is also presenting a new exhibition area, ASIA+. The event is also taking step to move ahead of ART BASEL, in helping small and medium galleries to deal with the financial burdens they face when attending art exhibitions, by providing more advantageous and practical solutions, and creating more compact and light exhibition stall specifications so that more diverse exhibitors are willing to attend to present a richer outlook for Asian art galleries

The Exhibition of Technology Art "The Enigmatic Museum". Image courtesy of ART TAIPEI. 


To find out more about this year’s edition of ART TAIPEI, click here.

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