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Here's What to Expect at ART|JOG 10

ByYunyi Lau
Here's What to Expect at ART|JOG 10

ART|JOG - the contemporary art fair, held annually in Yogyakarta - returns for another edition this year! It will be the second time that ART|JOG will be running their programme at the historical site of the Jogja National Museum, which was also previously a campus of Akademi Seni Rupa Indonesia (ASRI) - one of the largest and first formal art institution in Indonesia.


Comission Work by Iwan Effendi featuring Papermoon Puppet Theatre with façade from shaped-oil barrel tank
Image courtesy of ART|JOG


This year brings the theme Changing Persepctive: The Challenge for the Artist, encouraging us to look at the way we see. In this day and age where we are given avenues to voice our perspectives and opinions to the world through the internet and social media, aided by clickbait deliberately designed to cause us to respond emotionally, we can be blinded to other perspectives. Changing Perspectives is about looking at paradigms to understand two differing opinions and ideas. Bambang 'Toko' Witjaksono, who is part of the curatorial team of ART|JOG 10 says:

"If the West mostly uses science approach (knowledge), then the East cultural, tradition and common sense, things considered less representing the knowledge of modern society globally. That's what the artist in ART|JOG should respond, the paradox of those two perspectives, and hopefully by embracing both, and along with technological advances, the artist can take a fresh look at how they work from various point of views, not only from technical aspect but also the interpretation. Hopefully, it can enhance and achieve beyond what we have had and have experienced now,"


Some of the highlights this year include a commissioned work by Wedhar Riyadi, a young artist from Yogyakarta. A balloon installation of the eye icon , Floating Eyes, will be featured at the main façade of the Jogja National Museum building. 


Mr Wedhar Riyadi who will be designing this year's commission work
Image courtesy of ART|JOG


The main exhibition will present works by some of the major Indonesian contemporary artsists such as Nicholas Saputra, Agus Suwage, I Nyoman Masriadi, Tromarama and Agan Harahap.


Exhibiton View of  ART|JOG 9
Image courtesy of ART|JOG


This year, ART|JOG has also organised an open call for works on any medium to featured at the fair. There will also be a Young Artist Award, which will be presented to an artist below the age of 33. There will also be curaorial tours, as well as Meet-the-Artist sessions. 


Indonesian artist Melati Suryodharmo will be carrying out one of her performance pieces, while the movie Setan Jawa will be screened alongside a live gamelan orchestra (a traditional Javanese and Balinese percussion ensemble). Special merchanise by 20 participating artists including Eko Nugroho, Papermoon Theatre and Oky Rey Montha, will also be available for purchase.


Work in Progress RJ. Katamsi Statue by Wahyu Santosa for ART|JOG 10
Image coutesy of ART|JOG


Some of the newer programme highlights include the construction of a 2.5m tall bronze statue of RJ. Katamsi by Wahyu Santosa. It honours the late artist and founding president director of Akademi Seni Rupa Indonesia (ASRI), the first fine arts campus in Indonesia, established in 1950. There will also be an Open Air Cinema, organised together with Jogja-Netpac Asian Film Festival (JAFF), as well as historical tours of the Jogja National Museum.



With so many exciting events happening at ART|JOG this year, this event promises to be a madcap celebration of the diversity of artistic media and creatives in Indonesia that you should not miss!



The Artling is proud to be a Media Partner of ART|JOG 10!

ART|JOG 10 runs from 19 May till 19 June 2017. For more information and further details on the programming, click here.

Any views or opinions in the post are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the company or contributors.

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