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ARTJOG 2022 is Back with "Expanding Awareness"

ByJenevieve Kok
ARTJOG 2022 is Back with "Expanding Awareness"

ARTJOG MMXXII Exhibition View, Bento please cheers me up! by Mulyana and Parti Gastronomi

The largest annual contemporary art event in Indonesia, ARTJOG, is back at the Jogja National Museum (JNM) from 7 July to 4 September 2022! With Expanding Awareness as its title, this year's edition is the estuary of the ARTJOG arts-in-common series, which has been held since 2019 in triplet thematic: 'space', 'time', and 'awareness'. The idea of expanding awareness is an entry point to reflect on things that are happening around us and the actual condition we live in today as well as to understand that which has not happened. 

Exhibition View, Ba(wa)yang Community Presentation

This year, ARTJOG aims to encourage the expansion of awareness about inclusiveness. This spirit is also manifested in the design of the festival, from its concept formulation, artist selection, exhibition room facility, and physical infrastructure, to the implementation of its programmes. During the fair's preparation, the ARTJOG curatorial team and all its staff were able to gain a large amount of experience and knowledge from the inclusivity drivers in Yogyakarta, including the JDA (Jogja Disability Arts) group and Ba(Wa)yang Deaf Community Art Studio. Through several meetings and workshops, they provided valuable input on the design of the exhibition and how to interact with visitors. ARTJOG also aims to build mutual awareness through interaction based on respect for presence and equality.

Exhibition View, Residual Memory, Mining The Walls Menambang Tembok by Budi Agung Kuswara

"The awareness referred to in arts-in-common is not a contemplative type of awareness, but it is a critical-interactive consciousness. This awareness almost always involves the other person when trying to make a decision." - ST Sunardi, lecturer at the Religion and Culture Studies, Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta

Exhibition View, Personal Denominator by Christine Ay Tjoe

Bandung-based artist, Christine Ay Tjoe, has worked on an installation as a commissioned project to respond to the theme of this year's ARTJOG fair. Over the past twenty years, Ay Tjoe has been known for her works that explore the complexity of human life. This year, she presents an interactive work inspired by the form of the Tardigrada, a microscopic aquatic animal with the ability to suspend its metabolism when environmental conditions pose a risk to its survival. This work depicts her appreciation for vitality and resilience and is designed in an interactive manner; visitors are able to touch, feel, and even hug the work.

Exhibition View, Landscape Ziarah Pada Kehilangan by Suvi Wahyudianto

Like its previous editions, ARTJOG also presents works in a range of mediums. The participants comprise 61 individual and group artists from across generations, including Dolorosa Sinaga, Nunung WS, Budi Agung Kuswara, Iwan Yusuf, Iwan Effendi, Nano Warsono (in collaboration with Jogja Disability Arts), Ba(WA)yang, Angki Purbandono and Alex Abbad, Ivan Sagita, Mulyana, and Nadiah Bamadhaj. In addition, younger visitors will also be able to enjoy interactive works from Tempa.

Exhibition View, Di Balik Boneka by Iwan Effendi


ARTJOG is an art event that acts as a meeting room for new ideas in art and creativity. At the same time, ARTJOG functions as a space to share knowledge and aesthetic experiences as well as the latest developments in art.

Working under the auspices of the Hita Pranajiwa Mandaya Foundation, ARTJOG is here as a festival that accommodates the latest artistic and creative processes. This is realized through the offer of online presentations that offer an offer of new experiences, as well as physical exhibitions that can be accessed on a limited basis by complying with health protocols as directed by the government.

This is a form of ARTJOG's commitment to continue to erode the barriers that limit practice and meaning in art while continuing to grow and maintain the well-established network between artists, markets, policymakers, and the public.

Art Fair Dates: 7 July - 4 September 2022
Address: Jogja National Museum, Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya no.1, Gampingan, Pakuncen, Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta City, DIY, 55253
Opening Times: Mon-Sun, 10am to 9pm

All images are courtesy of ARTJOG.

Any views or opinions in the post are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the company or contributors.

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