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Buying Collectible Design for your Home

ByGrace Ignacia See
Buying Collectible Design for your Home

The market for contemporary design has been burgeoning over the last few years, shining a spotlight on the demand for furniture, experimental design and above all, collectible design. In the field of interior design, “accessories”, or design items that add flair to a home, are now being sold for millions at auction houses. Just take for example the three bronze sheep by Francois Xavier Lalanne that sold for $2.4 million at Sotheby’s earlier this year, or Marc Newson’s furniture pieces priced between $85,000 to $400,000 that went on show with Gagosian last January.

Around the world, design is piquing interests and taking flight. Design items are no longer viewed as works that only bring aesthetic features to a space, but as works that could also bring about investment. From buying delicate design items that enhance your home to one of a kind furniture pieces, here are some tips on buying the perfect collectible design works for your home:

Mini Damascene by Karina Sukar 

Tones & hues

Just like buying artwork for your home, the same concept should apply when buying collectible design. Design has the power to both contrast and compliment your space, depending on how you’d like it to work with its surroundings. It is important to consider how the colours and form of the design item you are looking at executes this, regardless of whether it’s a handmade vase or a one-of-a-kind chair. Think about how its colour fits in with the rest of the room, and how it adds to the room’s overall ambience. 

Internal Dialog_red-purple-green by Aor Sutthiprapha

Does it work?

Collectible design is still design, and continues to have function at its very heart. It should be something that contributes to your space past the aesthetic, and serves to work in your everyday life. Whether it is a bookshelf or a stool, think about how its function could be well integrated into the space you intend for it to be in. As stunning as the design piece might be, it should fulfil its purpose as much as possible.


Lueur (Black) by Desinere


Lueur (White) by Desinere

The personality factor

Simply put, does this work suit your personality? Collectible design has a personal and emotional quality to it, making it incredibly intriguing. Think about how the personality of the work suits your own personality. Perhaps the context it is made in or the story it brings with it is something you relate to, perhaps you feel a connection to its materials, or even identify strongly with the designer who made it. This design work should be something you see yourself living with, and should be something that speaks to you.

Mingle - Bench by alvinT

Devils in the details

While some loud furniture pieces have the power to change the atmosphere of a room in its entirety, it’s also important to think about how some works can add to a space with their delicate and subtle nature. For example, small design items in discreet places such as your bathroom could change its ambience, bringing about a more relaxed space. This would also show that the space has been well thought out, allowing for a more intimate feel. This technique can and should be applied to all areas of the house, from bedrooms to living areas. However, it is important to avoid clutter, and to think about whether your space needs that extra design item to lift it up.


Flint Nesting Table (Short) by Joyce Wang Studio


Flint Nesting Table (Tall) by Joyce Wang Studio

Black Marble Mirror Forest (Wide) by A.M. IDEAS

Collectible design is versatile!

The umbrella of collectible design covers a wide range of works, and there is something for everyone under its scope. The stories that these works bring to the table tells of a skilled craftsman or an eclectic imagination of a designer, sometimes even both, and helps us understand historical, cultural, social, economic and even political context within which they were designed. There is a level of importance on buying artwork for a home, and buying design items should have the same weight due to their versatility and ability to exude both emotional and aesthetic appeals.

Depending on whether you are buying collectible design to merely enhance your home, for investment, or for both, you’ll soon find that it is also versatile in how much it costs. While there are pricier works out there, collectible design need not burn a hole in your pocket. They should bring personality and life to your home, and these characteristics are what should be at the forefront when considering design items for your space.


Check out these beautiful design items for your home, available on The Artling.

Any views or opinions in the post are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the company or contributors.

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