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Exhibitions to Visit this June: Beijing

ByYunyi Lau
Exhibitions to Visit this June: Beijing

"Painting 29 May 2015 局部 part 2" by Hong Shaopei at Beijing Art Now Gallery (Image courtesy of the artist and Beijing Art Now Gallery)

Keep reading for The Artling's picks for exhibitions to catch this June in Beijing!


Beijing Art Now Gallery

Hong Shaopei Solo Exhibition

Hong Shaopei

10 March 2017 – 30 April 2018

Hong Shaopei is a Taiwanese artist who is known for his colourful minimal geometric works. His solo exhibition at Beijing Art Now Gallery features free-standing and wall-hung sculptural works.

"Painting 23 Feruary 2017 局部 part 1" by Hong Shaopei
Image courtesy of the artist and Beijing Art Now Gallery


Red Brick Art Museum

Chen Chieh-jen: Realm of Reverberations

Chen Chieh-jen

14 March – 11 June 2017

Realm of Reverberations is a four-channel video installation made by Chen Chieh-jen in 2014, that looks at the darker side of rapid urbanisation and displacement.

"The Suspended Room" by Chen Chieh-jen
Image courtesy of the artist and Red Brick Art Museum


Galleria Continua

Qilian Range

Zhuang Hui

18 March – 18 August 2017

A fabulous exhibition by Yemen-born Zhuang Hui, it showcases his skill as both an oil-painter and a photographer, as he follows the Chinese tradition of retreating into the mountains in troubled times, practiced by scholars and artists.

An exhibition view of 'Qilian Range'
Image courtesy of Galleria Continua


Ullens Center for Contemporary Art

The New Normal: China, Art, and 2017

Chen Chenchen, Cui Jie, Gao Lei, Guo Xi, Lawrence Lek, Li Jingxiong, Li Qi, Liang Ban, Liao Fei,​ and more

19 March – 18 August 2017

'The New Normal' takes China’s evolving national condition vis-à-vis the rising backlash against globalization on other continents as a point of departure, interrogating the efficacy of art—as a medium for both expression and action—in responding to a fragile and unpredictable present.

An installation view of 'The New Normal: China, Art, and 2017'
Image courtesy of Ullens Center for Contemporary Art


Shi Shang Art Museum

Recent Acquisition-Recent Development​

Cao Fei, Cao Yu, Wang Haiyang, Simon Fujiwara, He Xinagyu and more

21 March – 20 November 2017

Si Shang Art Museum has selected sixteen contemporary artists, including eighteen new media art works from their collection, which reflect, question, and criticize these new and profound perspectives from varying aspects of our society.

"Hip Hop Guangzhou" by Cao Fei
Image courtesy of the artist and Si Shang Art Museum


Red Gate Gallery


Ye Hongxing

27 April – 30 June 2017

Two intricate installations by Chinese Ye Hongxing re-work traditional Tibetan Buddhism symbols in contemporary three-dimensional Mandalas. 

A detailed view of "Prajñāpāramitā" by Ye Hongxing
Image courtesy of Red Gate Gallery


Nine Artists

Bao Xiaoyu, Chen Jiaye, Chen Linggang, Han Qing, Jiang Weitao, Li Jinguo, Nong Shaohua, Su Xinping and Wang Lifeng

13 May – 11 June 2017

A showcase of nine artists that have partnered with Red Gate Gallery for a long time, culminating in this group show.

"Red No. 2" by Li Jinguo
Image courtesy of the artist and Red Gate Gallery


Beijing Commune

The Unknown Depth of the Woods

Yang Xinguang

19 May – 8 July 2017

A solo exhibition of Yang Xinguang highlights his ability to work across disciplines in his conceptual inquisitions of material, combining synthetic man-made material, with organic natural ones. It evokes the notions of the arte-povera and mono-ha movements, as well as minimalism.

An installation view of 'The Unknown Depth of the Woods' by Yang Xinguang
Image courtesy of the artist and Beijing Commune


de Sarthe Gallery

Bu Qian

Zhou Wendou

20 May – 24 June 2017

In this exhibition, common objects such as lamps and slingshots remain unaltered yet submitted to different forces that rip off their original use and turn them into artistic installations by Beijing-born artist Zhou Wendou

An installation view of 'Zhou Wendou: Bu Qian'
Image courtesy of the artist and de Sarthe Gallery Beijing


PACE Beijing

Living Digital Forest and Future Park


20 May – 10 October 2017

teamLab shows at PACE Beijing in an explosion of multi-sensory interactive experiences developed by the group of 'ultra-technologists', never ceasing to cast their magic spell over viewers.

An installation view of teamLab's 'Living Digial Forest and Future Park'
Image courtesy of the artists and PACE Beijing


Long March Space


Inga Svala Thorsdottir & Wu Shanzhuan​

27 May – 13 August 2017

Featuring the 'CAUSE' library model conceptualised by Inga and Wu in 1990s, two opposing processes: “perspective” and “projection” unfold simultaneously.

One of the works by Inga Svala Thorsdottir & Wu Shanzhuan​
Image courtesy of the artists and Long March Space


M Woods

The Heart of the Tin Man

aaajiao, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Ryan Gander, Yngve Holen, Institute for New Feeling, Austin Lee, Liu Wa, Sean Raspet, Pamela Rosenkranz, Amalia Ulman, and Gillian Wearing​

30 June – 8 October 2017

'The Heart of the Tin Man' brings together works by twelve artists consciously revealing, investigating, or subverting current Internet or technological practices, and is drawn predominantly from the M WOODS Collection and the post-internet focus of co-founder Michael Xufu Huang.

"Email Trek" by aajiao
Image courtesy of the artist and M Woods



Any views or opinions in the post are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the company or contributors.

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