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Singapore Biennale 2016: Opening Weekend Events

ByYunyi Lau
Singapore Biennale 2016: Opening Weekend Events

An installation "Noah's Garden II" by Chinese artist Deng Guoyuan at the Singapore Biennale 2016 (Image courtesy of Straits Times Singapore)

The Singapore Biennale returns once again with their 5th edition, and the theme 'An Atlas of Mirrors' in which it explores shared histories and current realities within and beyond the region. In conjunction with the opening weekend of this major art exhibition, are a slew of satellite events and exhibition openings. Find out what you shouldn't be missing out on with our event guide below!


ArteFACT; Unearthing Relics of the Future

Gillman Barracks, Block 7, 9 Lock Road, Singapore 108937

27th October 2016 - 26 February 2017

ArteFACT; Unearthing Relics of the Future by Francis Ng
Image courtesy of Singapore Biennale 2016


paper matters

at Present

Gillman Barracks, 6 Lock Road, #02-09, Singapore 108934

27th October - 13th November 2016

paper matters will feature the works of Filipino artists Annie Cabigting, Geraldine Javier, CHristina Qiusumbing Ramilo, Jose Santos III & Pam Yan Santos
Image courtesy of at Present


FX Harsono: Gazing on Identity

ARNDT Fine Art

Gillman Barracks, Block 47, #01-25, Singapore 108934

29th October - 26th November 2016

'Gazing on Identity' is a solo exhibition by Indonesian artist FX Harsono that features this work "Undisclosed Identity"
Image courtesy of ARNDT Fine Art


Heman Chong: Portals, Loopholes and Other Trangressions

FOST Gallery

Gillman Barracks, 1 Lock Road, #01-02, Singapore 108932

28th October - 20th December 2016

"Why Now #1" by Heman Chong will be shown as part of his second solo exhibition at FOST Gallery
Image courtesy of the artist & FOST Gallery


Flowers for X

Yavuz Gallery

Gillman Barracks, 9 Lock Road, #02-23, Singapore 108937

28th October - 18th December 2016

'Flowers for X' is a solo exhibition by leading Filipino artist Patricia Perez Eustaquio that will feature her ongoing motif of the wilted flower, depicted in monochrome on stark backgrounds as if drained of life; “martyrs” of our consumption, the lives demanded by and laid to waste in our conquest over nature and natural resources.
Image courtesy of the artist & Yavuz Gallery


Zhuang Wubin: 小城故事 | Small-Town Stories

Yeo Workshop

Gillman Barracks 1 Lock Road,  #01-01, Singapore 108 932

27th October - 1st January 2017

"Portable Museum" by Zhuang Wubin
Image courtesy of the artist & Yeo Workshop


Paper - Sight


41 Robertson Quay, Singapore 238236

25th September - 5th November 2016

'Paper - Sight, Pasture' by Shinro Ohtake at STPI
Image courtesy of the artist & STPI


Women in Photography


155 Middle Road, Singapore 188977

20th October - 20th November 2016

The annual Women in Film & Photography Showcase at Objectifs is a tribute to the artists, photographers and filmmakers who have created works that tell stories with impact, break boundaries and inspire
Image courtesy of Objectifs


Singapore Biennale 2016 at the National Museum

National Museum of Singapore

93 Stamford Road, Singapore 178897

27th October - 26th February 2017

Indian contemporary artist Subdoh Gupta's 'Cooking thw World' at the foyer of the National Museum of Singapore
Image courtesy of the artist & The Straits Times


What is Not Visible is Not Invisible

National Museum of Singapore

93 Stamford Road, Singapore 178897

7th October - 19th February 2017

'What is Not Visible is Not Invisible' features works from the French Regional Collections of Contemporary Art and includes this work by martin Creed
Image courtesy of the artist and Buro 24/7


Journey to Infinity: Escher's World of Wonder

ArtScience Museum

10 Bayfront Avenue

Till 26 February 2017

An installation view of the exhibition
Image courtesy of ArtScience Museum


Ng Teng Fong Roof Garden Commission: Danh Vo

National Gallery Singapore

1 Saint Andrew's Road, #01-01, SIngapore 178957

4th November - 31st August 2017

Vietnamese-born Danish artist Danh Vo will present a series of compelling new sculptures as part of his first outdoor installation in Singaporeat the National Gallery Singapore
Image courtesy of National Gallery Singapore



Read more about the Singapore Biennale 2016 in our interview with Tan Siuli, Curatorial Co-Head of Singapore Art Museum here.

Any views or opinions in the interview are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the company or contributors.

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