Vase No.12 瓶No.12
US$ 300
This artwork was last updated 1160 days ago.
Material: Ceramic
Unique Item
Dimensions: 15.2cm (H) x 15.2cm (W) / 6" (H) x 6" (W)
Diameter: 15.2cm / 6"
Note: Actual colours may vary due to photography & computer settings
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About the art
Artist statement
Founded by artist Renqian Yang, Ren Studio specializes in designing and creating a wide range of ceramic works. Regardless of the current proliferation of mass-market industrial products, Ren Studio products begin with a humble piece of clay. The artist takes the time to deliberate over every detail, making unique, functional ceramic works that embody time and memories.
Renqian Yang earned her BFA in ceramics from the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2009. In 2014, she graduated with her MFA in Ceramics from Syracuse University. Currently, she lives and works in Oswego, New York as an artist and Assistant Professor at the State University of New York at Oswego.
"I am enjoying being a studio artist. Each piece I create is unique and individual. My artistic philosophy is a give and take of finding answers, asking questions, and the rediscovery of problem solving. I use many methods including throwing on a potter's wheel, hand- building, as well as slip casting. I take my time to trim and sometimes to apply textures. I respond to the form, the marks that I make during the process. Each choice I make is a milestone on the piece’s journey to the conversation it will begin. My hope is that the person who owns the piece in the end will continue the dialogue and complete its story." - Renqian Yang
由艺术家杨人倩创办的Ren Studio 设计并创作了各类独一无二的陶瓷作品。在大批量工业化产品兴盛的今天,固执的从一团平凡无奇的泥开始,在每一个细节停驻并思考,使Ren Studio的手工陶艺作品,凝聚了时间和记忆,留下了很难找到的个性。每一件器皿,就像一张空白的画纸,期望在用的人心中留下一抹色彩,记录下平凡生活的片刻。杨人倩一直尝试打破陶瓷与绘画的界限,并寻找平衡。对她而言,黏土即是画布。在绘画作品中看到的细节流动,生动笔触和色彩变化,也能在Ren Studio的陶瓷中看见,同时因为陶瓷原有的安静属性,而呈现出一场静与动,形与色的冲突和平衡。
杨人倩 2009年在四川美术学院毕业后,赴美就读于雪城大学(Syracuse University)艺术设计学院陶瓷系 ,并在2014年取得艺术硕士。后任教于卡泽诺维亚学院(Cazenovia College), 和圣劳伦斯大学(St. Lawrence University。 目前,她工作和创作于纽约州奥斯威戈,并在纽约州立大学奥斯威戈分校(SUNY Oswego)教授陶瓷。
"我喜欢在工作室里创作,而非重复工厂化的生产。每件作品都是独一无二的。我的艺术实践通过提问,寻找答案来完成。我会用各种各样的方法实践——制陶、手工、灌注成型,再向上绘画。每一件作品都是一个空白的画布,我响应形式、创作过程中的点滴,颜色、笔触都是一个新的创作过程的开始。我希望拥有作品的人也能继续对话,完成每件作品背后的故事。 - 杨人倩
Artist profile
Renqian Yang 杨人倩
Born: 1987
Hometown: Xiangtan, Hunan Province, China
Based in: Canton, New York
Renqian Yang earned her B.F.A. in Ceramics from the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing in 2009 and her M.F.A. in Ceramics from Syracuse University in 2014. Currently, she lives and works in Oswego, New York as an artist and Assistant Professor at the State University of New York at Oswego. …
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