Bbblob In The Studio
Finding harmony and balance with ourselves and others in a world full of patterns.
What inspires you?
People inspire me. I like observing the way we behave, how we express ourselves. I find it fascinating how everyone is unique yet we are all the same. Nature also inspires me. We can understand so much about ourselves through understanding Nature.
Describe your creative process.
I start with making small sketches and colours before creating the work. I always visualise what the overall idea looks like first. They are usually fleeting thoughts which become sketches.
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
Bright, organic, geometric
Who are some artists that have influenced your work?
Hans Arp, Paul Klee, Matisse
Where do you go for inspiration?
Everyday interactions inspire me, the dynamics of balance between people and with the self. Going to life drawing sessions to draw the human form which informs the shapes I develop. Looking at nature to observe the organic shapes that exist in our environment.