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Hometown: Santiago de Chile

Based in: Santiago de Chile

Fazlamare was founded in 2019 in Santiago de Chile by Jacinta Darraidou. Her work is inspired from the observation and fascination for nature, especially the underwater world that she has discovered through scuba diving.

Her designs stand out for their artistic character, but never the less most of them are functional. She seeks to recreate the forms and materials that catch her attention and that permanently inspire her to explore through the language of design.


Fazlamare In The Studio

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More About Fazlamare

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Oceans .. of all kinds, with all their species

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Curiosity, nature and beauty most of all

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Isamu Noguchi, Ernst Haeckel , Alexander Calder, the Japanese philosophy of life ..

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

To the sea



AD Magazine Spain