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Artist Name

Geoffrey Pauchard

Born: 1989

Hometown: Rouen

Based in: Marseille

Graduated in MA Object design in 2015 from the School of Art and Design of Reims, Geoffrey Pauchard had the opportunity to experiment many materials and techniques, which is an important part of his practice. After working as an intern for the designer Jerszy Seymour in Berlin and the design studio Smarin in Nice, Geoffrey Pauchard worked for two years for the lighting designer Jason Bruges in London on numerous projects and installations.
Now, he is based in Marseille where he founded his studio Geoffrey Pauchard design workshop.


More About Geoffrey Pauchard

Question IconWhat inspires you?

nothing particular, It can be everything

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

fabrication process and material experimentations

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

industrial - experimental - material

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Richard Sapper - Gaetano Pesce - Max Lamb - Enzo Mari and so many others

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

felt pen



Master at Ecole Supérieure d'Art et de Design (ESAD) - Reims

France, 2015

Bachelor at Ecole Supérieure d'Art et de Design (ESAD) - Reims

France, 2013


Bas Les Masques - Le couvent Levat - Marseille

France, 2021

Function Follows Form - Paraeidolie - Chateau de serviere - Marseille

France, 2020

Hang - Design week - Le musée des Art decoratif - Paris

France, 2016

Hang - Salon Révélation - Le Grand Palais - Paris

France, 2015

Design R - Le Cellier - Reims

France, 2015

Resurrection, Design Tour in France

France, 2013

Interieurs Cuir - Acte III , Design Week - Paris

France, 2013