Jessie Derogy (b.1993, France) is an experimental designer based in France. She obtained a MA in Contextual Design at Design Academy Eindhoven in 2017. Her practice is motivated by a critical approach toward the design field, (production, meanings, representations, aesthetics). Her way to work gives her the ability to play within her contemporary context, taking each new project as an opportunity to counter rules of her field. She uses object as a medium to raise questions, to positioned herself within the design practice. Being able to ignore the formal conventions of the object design field allows her to explore and develop new stories and aesthetics. The result of her practice oscillates between “functional sculpture” and “sculptural object”, blurring boundaries between art and design.
Industrial processes, materials and technics, artificial/natural opposition
Describe your creative process.
I work a lot by assembling pieces together, already made objects, shapes... creating collages is my first step in the creative process, it's like drawing, and bit by bit the whole shape and project rise.
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
Assembling, Collage, Sculptural
Who are some artists that have influenced your work?
A lot of Italians and Dutch designers
What is the most important tool when creating your work?