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Artist Name

Laurie Poast

Born: 1974

Hometown: Bergen

Based in: Bergen

Sculptural vessels, furniture, and objets d’art made in Norway by sculptor Laurie Poast (b. 1974).

Severe and bare, the minimalist forms built by sculptor Laurie Poast are startlingly sensate. Spheres, curves, angles, and proportions intuit the early laws of aesthetics to recast our modern theory of beauty into the simplicity, order, and harmony born out of classical antiquity’s artistic principles.

With earthen minerals and composites of resin, gypsum, cement, and stone, Poast builds sculptural vessels, furniture, and objets d’art in her atelier in Norway. Her artworks serve the interior design trade, private art and design collectors, and retailers internationally.

Working with materials is natural to Poast, having grown up with curls and curious shapes of wood underfoot in an acclaimed violin luthier’s workshop. The workshop is where she played, and her play grew quite inevitably into her work. She studied art and business in Wisconsin, USA, and was informed by interests in neuroscience, metaphysics, music, dance, and literature. In 2009 Poast emigrated to Europe, which offered her profound views of both modern design and centuries-old craft work.

Her self-staged photographs and films tell the story of her artistic influence amidst the stormy Nordic land- and seascapes. Gestural and cinematic, her images depict her as someone who owns her own narrative with a dignity, a sensuality, an audacity, and an intellectual playfulness that writes the pictures.


Laurie Poast In The Studio

Each piece spends a great deal of time in the sculptor’s hands to perfect its unique aesthetic value. Most artworks are constructed manually with handwritten formulas and ratios scratched on the workbench and pieces of styrofoam or wood cut with knives and saws. Poast prefers this, because the connection between the hand and the eye are integral to work with such intuitive aesthetic expression.

main image

More About Laurie Poast

Question IconWhat inspires you?

I find it extraordinary to lay down on ancient geological history: Bare mountainous archipelagos at the coast of Norway that are made of five-hundred-million-year-old mineral sediment, layered and pressed, shifted and turned, and cut by aeons of glaciers, wind, and sea.

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Isamu Noguchi, Richard Serra, Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore, Rembrandt van Rijn, Vincent van Gogh

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

In the Norwegian culture, connectedness to the land and to the sea is integral to life. This sense of place has become a natural influence in my work.

Collections Featuring Laurie Poast

1 Collection

Zen Minimalism

Zen Minimalism

12 Artists, 13 Products

Last updated: November 20, 2024



Edgewood College

United States of America, 2004

University of Wisconsin-Madison

United States of America, 2002


Best Product, Interior og Designmessen



Maison et Objet Paris Craft

France, 2022

Atelier Åpent

Norway, 2022

Winter Open House

Norway, 2020

Kiosken Vinter Kunstmarked

Norway, 2020

Norwegian Makers Leirvik Pop-up

Norway, 2020

Sundt Julemarked

Norway, 2020

Poast Atelier Open House

Norway, 2019

Dejm Doga Design og Arkitektur Norge

Norway, 2019

Kunst og Design Julemarked

Norway, 2019

Tendens Interiør og Designmessen

Norway, 2019

Poast Atelier Open House

Norway, 2018

Lystgården Christmas Exhibition

Norway, 2018

Tendens Interiør og Designmessen

Norway, 2018

Bergen Design Festival

Norway, 2017

Schøtstuene Kunsthåndverk Julemarked

Norway, 2015

Poast Midwinter Open

Norway, 2015

Vedholmen Galleri Juleutstilling

Norway, 2015

Grieghallen Interiør og Boligmessen

Norway, 2015


Norway, 2015

Julemarked i Bergen Bryggen

Norway, 2014

Designernes Eget Julemarked Oslo

Norway, 2014

Galleri Vox 30 x 30

Norway, 2014

B-Open Åpne Kunstneratelier

Norway, 2014

Oseana Kunst og Kultursenter Marknad

Norway, 2014

Julemarked i Bergen

Norway, 2012

Leiden Etsy Netherlands Open

Netherlands, 2011