Roberto Giacomucci
Born: 1960
Hometown: ancona
Based in: ancona
Born: 1960
Hometown: ancona
Based in: ancona
Roberto Giacomucci is an architect from Ancona, central Italy, he made design his profession but has always had a passion for contemporary art.
For several years he has been teaching at the University of Architecture and Design in Ascoli.
He has always worked with master craftsmen with whom he develops his works, furniture and limited edition lamps, which he creates for various galleries, Rossana Orlandi Milano, Fragile Milano, Mint London and Matter of Stuff London.
He has participated in several group shows, the latest in Corciano, Stendale curated by Gabriele Perretta.
2020 Stendale Corciano
2017 – Event conception and care “House of Birds”
Triennale di Milano
2016 - Exhibition of limited edition products in the galleries Fragile, Rossana Orlandi e
Mint London
2012 –
Personal exhibition “ Il Piccolo Designer “ Triennale di Milano edited da Marco
Ferreri introduction di Andrea Branzi
2010 –
Centro Servizi Orafi di Mede
2008 -
Il Profumo dell’Oro
Centro Servizi Varese Orafi
2008 -
Riverberazioni_Schizzi di caffè
Caffè River
2007 -
2007 -
Fiat500 Workpop
Fiat-F.lli Guzzini
2007 -
16 Designer per Invicta
2007 -
I Segni del Gusto
F.lli Guzzini-Tre Valli
2006 -
2006 -
2006 -
F.lli Guzzini-Sanpellegrino
2004 -
Multipli di cibo
F.lli Guzzini
Prizes and awards
2016 – Aria-Tooy selection ADI INDEX
2014 –
Cora e Zoe
Honorable mention to the
Compasso d'Oro ADI XXlll edition
2013 –
Cora e Zoe
selection ADI INDEX
(Compasso d'oro)
(Compasso d'oro)
2012 –
-Caffè River
selection ADI INDEX (
Compasso d'oro)
2011 –
disegnato per Kubedesign vince il Good Design
2010 –
-Guzzini wins Good Design
2009 -
Ball Shake
-Magppie wins iF award
2006 -
-Shiro selection ADI INDEX (
Compasso d'oro)
2003 -
Ciotola Snack
-Robex selection ADI INDEX (
Compasso d'oro)
2 Collections
Design Pieces that Capture the Essence of Autumn
64 Artists, 88 Products
Last updated: August 29, 2023