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Artist Name

Tamara Barrage

Born: 1987

Hometown: Beirut

Based in: Beirut

Born in Beirut, 1987, Tamara Barrage is a Lebanese artist based in Beirut. After earning a masters degree in Product Design from ALBA (Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts) in 2011, Tamara pursued a second master’s degree from Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands specializing in Contextual Design.

Upon her return to her hometown, Beirut, in 2014, Tamara engaged in exploring the tactile and sensorial characteristics of the various materials. Using an array of experimental techniques, Tamara aspires to better articulate how forms and textures provoke our senses, emotions and memories.


Collections Featuring Tamara Barrage

1 Collection

Art/Design Gifts for Nature Lovers

Art/Design Gifts for Nature Lovers

66 Artists, 105 Products

Last updated: November 28, 2020