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Born: 2017

Hometown: Napoli

Based in: Eindhoven, the Nethelands.

Tellurico, a multidisciplinary design studio specialising in objects, spaces and installations design, was founded in 2017 by Francesco Pace.

Tellurico's practice is mainly focused on pushing forward the boundary between art and design, using the combination of contemporary aesthetic with traditional craftsmanship.

In 2020 Tellurico has been listed among the Best Italian Designers Under40 and in 2021 Tellurico won one of the prizes of the prestigious Officine Saffi Award with his project Telluride.

So far, Tellurico’s works have been presented in many international venues such as Biennale of Design in Venice, Van AbbeMuseum in Eindhoven, M.A.D.RE. in Naples, Triennale di Milano, Brohan Museum in Berlin, Beirut Design Fair, Italian Pavilion in Barcelona, Zoya Gallery in Bratislava and others. He receives commissions, both from private clients as well as international galleries, working closely with them.

The Tellurico Design Studio is currently based in the Netherlands

For any info or enquiries feel free to contact The Artling and we will be happy to help.


Tellurico In The Studio

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More About Tellurico

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Everyday Life

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

My work always starts with an observation. I try to analyse the contexts in which the project take place and how I can communicate through the objects part of my research. After, I develop visual investigation which helps me gather information, data and details that later on will be applied to the objects. My projects are never a merely aesthetic exercise but more the result of a deep research.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Bold - Meaningful - Timeless

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

I usually do not look at artists or designers for influence. I work through cross-pollination. I do believe that creative disciplines for being durable and successful must interlace each other.

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

My Mind.

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Don't worry about it Just do what you do And do it good. (Bill Withers)

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

Often back in my hometown.

Collections Featuring Tellurico

3 Collections

Design Pieces that Capture the Essence of Autumn

Design Pieces that Capture the Essence of Autumn

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Maximalist Design

Maximalist Design

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Sustainable Design

Sustainable Design

18 Artists, 36 Products

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Articles Featuring Tellurico

2 Articles
