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UP Gallery

UP GalleryLink to website of UP Gallery

Country: Taiwan

Founded in 2009, UP Gallery(絕版影像館Uniquephoto Gallery in Mandarin) is Taiwan's
first gallery that solely dedicates in exhibiting photographic works. Yichia Liao the founder of the gallery, also an artist/photographer foresaw the possibility of photography in the world of contemporary art. The need for an unconventional space and a platform for exposure of photographic art in Taiwan were crucial among his visons, which lead to the establishment of the physical gallery space that is now located in Hsinchu, Taiwan. UP Gallery, the initial gallery to introduce the concept of editions to the audience of Taiwan has thrived to educate and promote the photographic medium as art for the past eight years.

The gallery with the total area of 600m²(three floors), and a parking lot which can hold up to a capacity of 15 ~20 cars is highly equipped. Facilities such as: central heating, indoor air management, UV germ-free indoor slippers, audiovisual equipment, and conference rooms is a major step to alter the traditional perceptions of photography galleries in Taiwan. Professional tour guides, photographic art courses, and a welcoming space
and staff have resulted in creating a prominent reputation among the many galleries in Taiwan.

Currently, the gallery’s art director Agnes (Tzu-ning) Liao with a MA degree in Photography from Sotheby’s Institute of Art (London) is the visionary leader of the gallery. Her interests lay in nourishing local Taiwanese photographers and guiding them into the international art world. She is also passionate in creating cross-cultural exhibitions and working with artists around the world.Her main field of expertise is in contemporary art photography.