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Artist Name

Karthik Vernekar

Born: 1993

Hometown: Bengaluru

Based in: Bengaluru

Hello, I'm Karthik Vernekar.
I'm an independant visual designer, based in Bengaluru, India. My work spans procedural art, poster designs, and brand identity design. I'm currently freelancing and working on self-initiated projects. Most of my works exclusively deal with visualizing music currently using procedural art as a medium of expression.


More About Karthik Vernekar

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Everything around me, but most importantly the things i interact and consume on the daily basis. Which could be books, music and movies or something interesting that i come across when i'm takin a walk.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

Starting with a blank canvas without having any concrete idea about the end result, i trust the process and whole heartedly enjoy it without having to worry about the end result, which offers a certain freedom and push the boundaries of experimentation, where i always end up with astonishing results which would otherwise be impossible if i had stuck to one idea. I also like to work with strictly black and white palette which has it limitations but again challenging to create some interesting pieces.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Unconventional, Minimalist, Duality

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Saul Bass, Wolfgang weingart, Armin Hoffman, Shiva Nallaperumal

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

Processing 3

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

Books and Music

Collections Featuring Karthik Vernekar

1 Collection

Op Art

Op Art

11 Artists, 21 Products

Last updated: December 11, 2020



B V B College of Engineering and Technology

India, 2018