An Open Call For Research Proposals by Asia Art Archive
ByCrystal TayImage Courtesy of Asia Art Archive
Asia Art Archive (AAA) is announcing an open call for research proposals for The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Greater China Research Grant! The foundation aims to support practitioners in their Greater China research, to utilise and build on AAA's existing extensive collection of primary source documents.
The grant will be offering one-year fellowships to just about three individuals to study AAA's Collection & develop historical research projects on topics that are associated with contemporary art in Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong.
Applicants will be required to provide line item budgets together with their proposals.
The top grantee will be awarded a total of US$15,000 (approx. HK $120,000) that should allow a two-month residency in Hong Kong; research trips to Mainland China, Taiwan, and/or Macau; and acquisition of new materials.
Concurrently, up to two runners-up will receive US$5,000 (approx HK$40,000) as an award for their research projects.
Upon Completion of Project
The top grantee will be required to submit interim reports updating AAA on their progress. They will also need to submit all documents collected during the course of the project once it is completed - a written paper, a concluded bibliography and an inventory of collected materials. They will then draw the project to a close with two public presentations in 2019 (one at AAA in Hong Kong).
Similarly, runners-up will be required to submit a final paper and give a public presentation in Hong Kong or their relevant city.
Asia Art Archive is seeking for postgraduates (including pre-doctoral individuals) with a research focus on contemporary art or Greater China studies. Independent scholars and writers with a history of substantial record in research and publication are also eligible to apply!
The panel of judges will include the best of curators and scholars in the field, and they will assess applicants on their expertise on contemporary art in the Greater China region, relevant experience, proposed methodology as well as feasibility of the proposed reasearch.
Asia Art Archive welcomes applicants to make use of their broad collection of primary source data from the Greater China region, however, encourages original proposed topics that explores specific periods of time, themes or phenomena in contemporary art from a broad Chinese context for submission.
Applicants will be required to also include clear tentative timelines for the project in their proposals as selected projects will be expected to commence in March 2018 to March 2019.
The application deadline for the research proposals is 26 November 2017, Sunday.
(For enquiries &) To send in your application to Asia Art Archive, make sure it comprises of the following before you submit it over via
- CV (academic history, relevant past projects, and at least two references)
- Research project description (objectives, approach, and background)
- Tentative timeline
- Budget proposal
Applicants may be contacted for additional information.
For more details about the open call, click here.
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