have always had a need to create. Growing Iceland as a teenager in the 80s and 90s, music formed an integral part of my daily life and identity. With sound and style borrowed from American East coast trash metal and Tampa bay death metal, me and my friends formed our own fusion of DIY punk within the Icelandic climate. I came to realise how music and imagery closely intertwine and started to gravitate to towards the visual aspects of music and auditory memory trough drawings, sculptures and installations. I work in a wide range of media and even though craftsmanship and a skilled level of fabrication is essential to my practice I also value using found objects in my work. Ideally, I want my pieces to work as a purely aesthetically captivating object on first glance. But furthermore contain enough under the surface to be conceptually engaging artworks if the viewer wants to dig deeper
.I approach my artwork much like I would compose a piece of music. Rhythm and structure are somehow reappearing theme throughout my practice. I use these techniques and methods to explore a memory or a somewhat nostalgic feeling. This most often involves re-purposing found materials or imagery.
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
Nostalgia, Music, Calculated
What is the most important tool when creating your work?
What is the best piece of advice you have been given?