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Artist Name

Barbara Pecora

Born: 1972

Hometown: Paris

Based in: Munich

How could I put down a description of myself here, black and white, without embellishment or understatement? How objective is a profile? Should not they be friends (do not I have) or family, but do you know one? Or has one ever revealed oneself to one's heart and if so, it was understood. Who can see you? I think none of this is possible.
If I were to assign myself an animal, I would probably be an icy butterfly with a sting of black. Carrying on the snowy wind of my destiny, I'm looking for nothing more, only suppose. As a human, looking at the window, watching the falling rain on the gray roofs, listening to the uniform murmuring sounds of a city, letting the day pass uselessly.


Collections Featuring Barbara Pecora

1 Collection

Graffiti Art

Graffiti Art

14 Artists, 18 Products

Last updated: November 29, 2020