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Cristina Bergamo

Hometown: Porto Alegre

Based in: Santa Catarina

Cristina Bergamo is a self-taught Brazilian artist who lives and works in Santa Catarina. She began her artistic life through theater, attending the University of Scenic Arts of São Paulo. In the late 90's she moved to Italy where she continued her studies at the University of Music in Rome.. It was during this period that he began to frequent artistic circles, museums, and art galleries throughout Europe, from then on it was a step towards discovering that the Plastic Arts were his true artistic vocation and purpose in life.

Cristina Bergamo develops a work in the scope of Geometric Abstractionism and Visual Arts, we can observe in her works an inspiration and deep identification with the Constructivism, Suprematism, Minimalism and Neoplasticism movements, besides presenting a strong connection with the language of the German "Bauhaus" school, in this case mainly by her minimalist look over modern architecture and with the identification she has with the aesthetics of the industrial modernist design objects created from this movement.

She flows freely between these universes and translates them through colors and basic geometric shapes, mainly the square and the circle, photographing architectural structures and modernist design objects and mixing them with other elements creating her own contemporary dialectic that communicates her vision of the world and her correlation with the whole. There is a conception of depth of the viewer's field of vision that is being stimulated all the time, it is very important for the artist to awaken this living and continuous feeling between the viewer and the work.

"Everything that surrounds us is subject to many layers of perceptions and unraveling them at every moment depends on many factors, such as the amount of light and shadow, our state of mind, our values, and our physical and spiritual view of the world," the artist seeks to draw this parallel between different universes and the viewer.

She uses photography, digital techniques and graphic design as creative tools, bringing colors, volumes, graphic and photographic clippings to her works. In this process, she is particularly interested in the illusion of three-dimensionality, movement, and depth that result from her compositions.

Her creative process begins from the capture of a photographic image, either of an object or a frame of urban architecture that are later worked with the digital technique, here the work is divided and complemented into two distinct lines: one that she calls "Archdesign Photo" that is developed from photography and in this process the important thing is communication through the choice of elements selected to compose the work. In the 'Geometric Abstraction' line, she uses geometric shapes bringing colors that are preponderantly important to portray the illusion of three-dimensionality that reflect her constructivist vision of the world.


More About Cristina Bergamo

Question IconWhat inspires you?

What inspires me are the geometric shapes, colors, modern industrial design, minimalist architecture and the spatial relationship between these elements.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

My creative process involves the observation of three-dimensionality, the colors and shapes that surround us daily and the sensations they provoke. I use photography, graphic design and digital painting to express these feelings.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Geometric, Abstration, Archdesign

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Kasimir Malevich, Kandinky, Mondrian, El Lissitsky, Paul Klee, Moholy- Nagi, Joseph Albers, Oscar Niemayer, Zaha Hadid, Dieter Hams, Gio Ponti, Victor Vasarely, Mies Van der Rohe, Daniel Buren, Magritte, Paul Cezannee...

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

Computer and photographic camera

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Translate sincerely and passionately what you see and feel

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

Basically I look for my inspiration in nature, in the streets of big cities, in the relationships between shapes and colors, in volumes and shadows, but mainly in three-dimensionality.

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Testaccio Rome University of Music and Art

Italy, 1996

USP University of Performing Arts

Brazil, 1986


11th Edition of CONTEMPORARY VENICE 2022, at Palazzo Bembo.

Italy, 2022