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June Lee

Hometown: Korea

Based in: Korea

“My work based on social phenomena "Bystander Effect”. Countless things that happen quietly in our society are cases of bystander effect that make select individuals into outcasts. Thinking how I can become a social outcast due to the distant indifferent bystanders, I find this a serious problem that can’t be overlooked in silence. This work traces individuals becoming an outcast in a society, and how the majority or the society overlooks the individual outcast in silence. Departing from previous materials or working approach, I made small figures for this work. Taking two different postures, the figures either have their arms crossed, or have hands tied behind their back. The two postures symbolize bystanders, hiding their hands and saying “I have no hands to help you” and “I have nothing to do with you.”

June Lee was born in Korea in 1985, and grew up in Seoul. She received her BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Painting and Drawing and an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art in Fiber. Lee was the 2nd place recipient of the Judith Altman Award granted at FiberPhiladelphia in 2012.


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