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Artist Name

Maryline Beauplet-Dornic

Born: 1980

Hometown: Le Mans, France.

Based in: Sotteville-lès-rouen

I was born in 1980 in Le Mans (France).

I started to draw at a very young age. I remember drawing and painting since the day I was able to hold a pen. It seems like I never stopped since, like many other artists. I grew up in a modest but educated family and was encouraged to practice art from the beginning. I studied art and art history in high school and graduated in literature and arts at 18. Then I moved to Rennes (France) in 1998 to go to college where I got an Art Master Degree in 2003, focusing the whole last year on painting. In the meantime, I started to work as a High School Art Teacher in Paris suburbs in 2002.

I am currently living and working near Rouen (France), where I found myself a very nice studio and have opportunities to exhibit my work on a regular basis. I’m still teaching art to teenagers in high school.

My artistic influences are numerous. I’m very interested in the work of famous painters like Robert Ryman, Gerhard Richter, Vera Molnar or Bernard Frize. Supports/Surface’s research work on the intrinsic qualities of the painting and its process is also a very important influence on my own work.
My early works were small-sized square paintings in which I experimented on the colors, the surface (how many ways can one find to occupy the surface of the canvas ? ), the different overlapping coats of paint, and how the viewer can imagine them, given the clues that I left for him. I considered the viewer like an archaeologist or a geologist, digging and searching in the coats, the strata of the painting, trying to discover its process with his eyes as the only tool.

This is maybe the key to understand my work: I’m interested in the process as well as in the result of it. Maybe more, sometimes. It means I can experiment on the canvas, recycle old paintings to create new ones, include non-painting elements, or be inspired by a previous computer-made sketch.

In the [Cross II] series I’m currently working on, I use an orthogonal metallic grid as a matrix
through which I make the painting cross. I work with a painter's knife as well as with a brush, my own hands or a can of spray paint, playing with colors, transparency and thickness, leaving empty surfaces on the canvas, shaping the color and creating relief and overlapping shapes.

I work with acrylic because it provides a large palette of colors, allows to vary the thickness, or play with brightness and matte aspect. It also has a fairly short drying time which is useful, as I’m always working on three or four paintings at a time. I also like to work on different supports: canvas, wood panel, glass, plexiglass. Trying to take advantage of their intrinsic properties.

Some of my works are included in various private collections in France, Greece, UK, Australia, Canada and USA.

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Maryline Beauplet-Dornic In The Studio

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More About Maryline Beauplet-Dornic

Question IconWhat inspires you?

Most important is to share thoughts with artists, collectors and art lovers. They usually see what I'm missing in my own work. In the studio, I also listen to a lot of music and podcasts about artists.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

It starts with an idea of process that I expermiment and decline in series.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Process, surface, color

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Robert Ryman, Vera Molnar, Bernard Frize, Claude Rutault, Gerhard Richter, François Morellet, Simon Hantaï, Piet Mondrian...

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

At this time it's a metallic orthogonal grid

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

To be restless, to work and read

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

I go to museum, galleries and visit artists studios . I read a lot about other artists as well.

Collections Featuring Maryline Beauplet-Dornic

3 Collections

The Primary Colours Collection

The Primary Colours Collection

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Celebrating Artists in France

Celebrating Artists in France

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Articles Featuring Maryline Beauplet-Dornic

1 Article



Art Agrégation (allows to teach arts in high school and university)

France, 2020

Art Master Degree, University of Rennes 2

France, 2003

Capes d'arts plastiques (allows to teach arts in high school)

France, 2002

Litterature and Art Baccalaureate, Lycée Bellevue, Le Mans

France, 1998


En Vitrine ! L'Atelier aux Lunettes, Sotteville-lès-rouen

France, 2024

Rouen National Arts / Hors-les-murs, Jaguar Rouen - JFC by Mary Automobiles, Rouen

France, 2024

Rouen National Arts

France, 2024

48h/48€ #4, Les Ateliers de la Cour, Pont-Audemer

France, 2021

48h/48€ #3, Les Ateliers de la Cour, Pont-Audemer

France, 2019

Artistes avec les Migrants, Abbatiale Saint-Ouen, Rouen

France, 2019

PrizuniK, Galerie Home, Sotteville-lès-rouen

France, 2019

Les Arts d'Oisel, contemporary art group show, La Neuville Chant d'Oisel

France, 2019

48h/48€ #2, Les Ateliers de la Cour, Pont-Audemer

France, 2018

48h/48€, Les Ateliers de la Cour, Pont-Audemer

France, 2017

Novembre à Vitry, Galerie Jean-Collet, Vitry-sur-seine

France, 2017

Hors-Limite(s), Boissy-Lamberville

France, 2014

Galerie Éphémère, Agence APEF Rouen

France, 2014

Attention Fragile ! Boissy-Lamberville

France, 2012

Peintures et Photographies, Galerie Le 11, Le Mans

France, 2012

Abstract Art Biennial, La Bouille

France, 2012

Les puits du désir, Notre Dame Church, Montataire

France, 2006

juxtAssemblages et stratificapOsitions, "Aux anciens Ets Michel", Aubervilliers

France, 2005

Recycl'art, Koïfhus, Colmar

France, 2005

Petits formats, Galerie Art@ctua, Le Mans

France, 2004

La Coupe et la Couche, Galerie Art & Essai, Rennes

France, 2003

Entre, Galerie Le Coin, Rennes

France, 2003

Collectif Hors-cadre, Abbaye Saint Vincent, Le Mans

France, 2003

Corps & Graph(ismes), Abbaye Saint Vincent, Le Mans

France, 2003

Collectif Hors-cadre, Abbaye Saint Vincent, Le Mans

France, 2002