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Artist Name

Renate Fäth

Born: 1954

Hometown: Leer

Based in: Leer

About Renate Faeth

Renate lives in the northern part of Germany near the „UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea“. She sees her artwork in the wake of the nordic tradition of landscape painting: where the land meets the sea, a unique atmosphere is created. Renate´s art is dedicated to this ever-changing landscape. Reeds, moors, shores, lakes and horizons are some of the series in which she continuously works.

The outer layers of her work always carry a certain degree of roughness, cracks in the dark repoussoir and in the heavy relief, which are caused by the complexity of the painting´s mass. This suggests weathering and also creates a hint of transience and the past. In contrast to this, and as a painterly countermovement, she obscures the contours and creates gentle transitions into the depths, giving space to what is no longer topographical.

On the horizon, heaven, earth and water meet. Freedom and infinity can be felt. Everything merges and is connected. Above and below belong together, like yesterday and tomorrow.

In Renate's paintings, the end of the shore is always close, because, in the border regions near the water, there is still solid, but also uncertain ground. As has always been the case, this area is facing a clash between the elements and the tides that shape both the people and the landscape.
Beauty and roughness balance each other. Since her childhood, growing up by the harbour at her father´s boat and yacht factory and in a family with maritime backgrounds based at the river Ems, near the border of the Netherlands, these natural experiences have exerted on her an aesthetic fascination.

Renate holds a degree in "Work and Technology" from the University of Education, Göttingen, Germany, then turned to Fine Arts and graduated from the "New Art School: in Zurich, Switzerland. She is a member of the German "Artists Professional Society (BBK)" in Lower Saxony, Group Oldenburg and was a founding member of several Art Groups, such as the "Graphic Association Leer", where she practised Lithography. The mother of three girls taught also for some years children's art classes at the "School of Art" at Kunsthalle Emden, Foundation Henri Nannen, Germany. She has exhibited both domestically and internationally, was nominated four times in various Art Prize exhibitions and won an Award in 2017 at the "Auf den Ersten Blick" exhibition in Rastede, Germany.


Renate Fäth In The Studio

main image

More About Renate Fäth

Question IconWhat inspires you?

The nordic landscape and its ever-changing appearance. Then beeing alone with my thoughts, memories and feelings.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

I am working on the ground. My paintings are built up, step by step, in a layering technique. My work is experimental, exiting and full of surprises. The slow image-finding process is a balancing act between action and control

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Spherical, powerful, melancholic.

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

Whistler, Innes, Turner, C. D.Friedrich, E. Schumacher, V. Hugo.

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

My hands.

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Never give up, remain brave.

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

Into the landscape along the coast-line, where the sky meets the water.

Collections Featuring Renate Fäth

8 Collections

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Articles Featuring Renate Fäth

1 Article



Neue Kunstschule Zürich, New Arts School Zurich

Switzerland, 1988

University of Education, Göttingen

Germany, 1975


Finalist Art Prize Rastede, „Die Nacht“


Art Prize Palais Rastede „Auf den ersten Blick“, Oldenburg


Finalist Art Prize Rastede, „Ich bin ´s“


Finalist Art Prize Rastede, „Blick nach draussen“



Kingston upon Hunte, with UK Artists, BBK Galerie Oldenburg

Germany, 2024

Nachts, BBK Galerie Oldenburg

Germany, 2024

Wind, Westerstede und Bad Bederkesa

Germany, 2024

Licht, Galerie BBK Oldenburg, Group, 2023

Germany, 2023

The World of Interiors, "Artistic Impressions", Conde`Nast, Vogue House, London, Print Issues Sept., Oct., Nov., Group

United Kingdom, 2023

Art On Loop New York, (upcoming) „TheHolyArt“ London, Digital Exhibition

United States of America, 2023

Jubiläumsausstellung Dellarte, Südarle

Germany, 2022

Virtual Exhibition, „UNITY“The Holy Art Gallery, London

United Kingdom, 2022

Squares and Triangles, The Fitzrovia Gallery, London

United Kingdom, 2022

Chaos (Theorie), Galerie BBK Oldenburg

Germany, 2022

Viel-leichter, Group

Germany, 2021

In Love with Art, Group

Italy, 2020

Edition IX, Group

Malta, 2020

Kunst und Freiheit, Group

Germany, 2019

Kunst und Innovation, Group

Germany, 2019

Die Nacht, Group

Germany, 2019

Edition XIII, Group

Malta, 2019

Soweit das Auge reicht, Solo

Germany, 2018

Taufrisch, Group

Germany, 2017

Drents Schildersgenootschap, Group

Netherlands, 2016

Unterwegs, Solo

Germany, 2016

Horizonte, Solo

Germany, 2016

Die Siebte-cARTerflug, Group

Germany, 2015

Aufwind, Group

Germany, 2015

8. Bremer Kunstfrühling, Group

Germany, 2014

Discover me, Group

Germany, 2013

Ich bin´s, Group

Germany, 2013

Schaufenster der Region, Group

Germany, 2012

Zwischen Tag und Nacht, Solo

Germany, 2012

Volkshochschule Oldenburg, Solo

Germany, 2012

Blick nach draussen, Group

Germany, 2011

Mein Körper ist ein schutzlos Ding, Group

Germany, 2010

Kunst und Medizin, Group

Germany, 2009


Dr. Walter Baumfalk,(Editor), Bildende Kunst in Ostfriesland im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert, Lexikon


Google, Youtube, Renate Fäth, Video, Vernissage Galerie Lokschuppen, Jever


Marikke Heinz Hoek, (Editor), Josefa, Buch, Exhibition Villa Schlicker, Nussbaum Museum Osnabrück


Wir, 70 Jahre BBK Oldenburg, (Editor), Catalogue


Gemeinde Rastede, (Editor), Auf den ersten Blick, in: Ausstellung zum Kunstpreis, Catalogue


Taufrisch, 70 Jahre BBK Oldenburg, Stadtmuseum Oldenburg (Editor), Catalogue


Dr. Walter Baumfalk,(Editor), Bildende Kunst in Ostfriesland im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert, Lexikon


Forum Alte Werft, Papenburg, Unterwegs, in: Punkt, Kunst im Nordwesten


Kap-Hoorn Art (Editor), cARTerflug, Exhibition Hafenateliers, Bremen, Catalogue


Gemeinde rastede. Ich bin´s. Mein gespiegeltes Selbst, in: Ausstellung zum Kunstpreis, Catalogues


Ostfriesisches Landesmuseum, Emden,(Editor), Discover me, book, Exhibition Pelzerhäuser Emden


Zwischen Tag und Nacht, Nordische Landschaften, Malerei, Renate Faeth, Punkt, Kunst im Nordwesten


Gemeinde Rastede (Editor), Blick nach draussen, Kunstpreis Exhibition, Catalogue


Evangelisches Krankenhaus Oldenburg, (Editor), Medizin: Kunst, Exhibition in the bau-werk Halle


Lutherkirche Leer (Editor), Kreuzpunkt, in cooperation with the Landesmuseum Emden, Catalogue


Ostfriesisches Landesmuseum Emden, Elemente, Punkt, Kunst im Nordwesten