Renqian Yang 杨人倩
Born: 1987
Hometown: Xiangtan, Hunan Province, China
Based in: Canton, New York
Born: 1987
Hometown: Xiangtan, Hunan Province, China
Based in: Canton, New York
Renqian Yang earned her B.F.A. in Ceramics from the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing in 2009 and her M.F.A. in Ceramics from Syracuse University in 2014. Currently, she lives and works in Oswego, New York as an artist and Assistant Professor at the State University of New York at Oswego. Yang’s work has continued to exhibit in the U.S. and China. Her recent exhibitions include: Renqian Yang, Cayuga Museum of History and Art, Auburn, New York (2019); Renqian Yang and Lan Zhaoxing: Between Mountains, Fou Gallery, New York (2019); Renqian Yang: Construct Deconstruction, Taoxichuan Ceramic Art Avenue Art Gallery, Jingdezhen, China (2018); Renqian Yang: Complementary Colors, Fou Gallery, New York (2016); Rare Earth: National Ceramics Exhibition, Cabrillo Gallery, Aptos, California (2016). In January 2017, she had her first solo exhibition in New York at Fou Gallery. She served as a residency artist at Craigardan (2018), Jingdezhen International Studio (2018), and the Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts (2017).
Yang is interested in the concept of binaries. Her work addresses the unity and the contradiction of dichotomies: restriction and freedom; pessimism and optimism; complexity and simplicity; representation and abstraction; the man-made world and the natural world. At the same time, her work explores how an individual is related to nature, society, and oneself. Yang combines both traditional and nontraditional methods in her practices. While primarily focusing on ceramics, her work also extends to installation, sculpture, drawing, painting, video and functional everyday objects.
杨人倩 2009年在四川美术学院陶瓷专业毕业后,赴美就读于雪城大学(Syracuse University)艺术设计学院陶瓷系 ,并在2014年取得艺术硕士。毕业后,杨曾先后任教于雪城大学,卡泽诺维亚学院(Cazenovia College), 和圣劳伦斯大学(St. Lawrence University )。 目前,她工作和创作于纽约州奥斯威戈,并在纽约州立大学奥斯威戈分校(SUNY Oswego)教授陶瓷。她的作品曾在美国,中国等地展出。近期展览包括:杨人倩个展(卡尤加历史与艺术博物馆,纽约州奥本市,2019);兰昭形与杨人倩:山间(否画廊,纽约,2019);杨人倩:构建解构(陶溪川美术馆,中国景德镇,2018),杨人倩:对比(否画廊,纽约,2016),珍稀泥土—全国陶瓷雕塑展(卡布里略画廊,阿普托斯,加州,2016)。2017年1月她在纽约否画廊举办个展《对比》。她曾在Craigardan,景德镇国际工作室,和Watershed陶瓷艺术中心参加驻地艺术家项目。
1 Article
The Female Sculptors Making Their Mark
July 03, 2019