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Author Archives: Carmen Tenney

The Artling Galleries @ Art Paris Art Fair 2015

The Artling Galleries @ Art Paris Art Fair 2015

Art Paris Art Fair returns this year with Singapore and Southeast Asia as the Guests of Honour. The Artling has put together a selection of artworks that you can expect to see from a few of our Partner Galleries at the fair, enjoy! Art Plural Gallery Sherman Ong, Peacock, 2006, Diasec Print on Archival Paper, 75x150cm. Image courtesy of the artist & Art Plural Gallery Kim Lim, Untitled Relief, 1983, Portland Stone, 24.8x29x15cm. Image courtesy of the artist & Art Plural Gallery Chan Hampe Galleries Dawn Ng, YELLOW, 2015, Matt Archival Digital Inkjet Print. Image courtesy of the artist & Chan Hampe Galleries Dawn Ng, RED, 2015, Matt Archival Digital Inkjet Print. Image courtesy of the artist & Chan Hampe Galleries   Element Art Space Arkiv Vilmansa, Another Arms, 2015, Acrylic on resin mounted on aluminium panel, 70x65cm. Image courtesy of the artist & Element Art Space   Hendra ‘Hehe’ Harsono, Bunny Pie, Acrylic on used cardboard, 13x10cm. Image courtesy of the artist & Element Art Space.  Podbielski Contemporary Ohad Matalon, Niad, The small crater, 2000, 110x165cm. Image courtesy of the artist & Podbielski Contemporary Singapore Tyler Print Institute Haegue Yang, Non-Folding - Scenarios of Non-Geometric Folding #4, 2012, collage, folded origami paper, white paper, spray paint, 176x121cm. Image courtesy of the artist & STPI   Eko Nugroho, Replacing Myself 4, 2013, Relief print, coloured shaped STPI handmade paper, 94x73cm. Image courtesy of the artist & STPI   Yeo Workshop Ian Woo, Hip Sway, 2014, Graphite on Paper, 115x115cm. Image courtesy of the artist & Yeo Workshop Marcin Dudek, Letters from Prison, 2015, Carbon paper, Gaffer Tape on Wood, 100x74cm. Image courtesy of the artist & Yeo Workshop   Installation view of the Yeo Workshop booth at Art Paris Art Fair 2015. Image courtesy of Yeo Workshop  

March 25, 2015

Archipavilion Competition Frequently Asked Questions

  We’re pleased to have received such a warm response to The OUE Artling Archipavilion Competition! Some of you have questions about the mechanics and so we’re writing this FAQ entry to answer them. If you’re interested in participating in the competition, we encourage you to bookmark this page as we will update this as we get more questions.   Important Update as of 03 Dec 2014 Following feedback and to help more young architectural practices to submit entries, the Artling and SIA are amending one of the 3 key criteria that apply specifically to the Project Lead Architect Firm which is also the firm/entrant that submits the application: 1. At least one employee/partner at the Project Lead Architect Firm is a BOA Registered Architect. 2. The Project Lead Architect Firm is incorporated in on after 2004 (thus fulfilling the competition’s definition of “young” architects).  3. At least one employee of the Project Lead Architect Firm is a Corporate Member of the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA). This will now change to: The Project Lead Architect Firm need not be an SIA member on submission of entry. However, the Winning Entry is required to become a member of SIA, whereupon The Artling will sponsor the cost of an annual membership. The membership requirement applies to the Winning Firm only. 4. The Competition Closing date has been extended to 12 January 2015 and the query deadline will also be extended to 23 December 2014. OUE ARTLING ARCHIPAVILION DESIGN COMPETITION Did you know? The Entries MUST be submitted by a Singapore incorporated Architectural Firm, hereafter known as the PROJECT LEAD. The PROJECT LEAD must be incorporated in or after 2004 (thus fulfilling the competition’s definition of “young” architects). The PROJECT LEAD can choose to enter into a “Submission Consortium” as described under Important Information. At least one employee / partner at the PROJECT LEAD or the Submission Consortium must be a BOA Registered Architect. At least one employee / partner of the Project Lead Architect Firm or the Submission Consortium must be a Corporate Member of the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA). Please refer to Important Update as of 03 Dec 2014 The eventual winning entries will be named as in the following example: OUE prize winning design by “ABC Architect - the Project Lead, with XYZ Company.” Important Information The criteria in fact allows the PROJECT LEAD to decide, at its own discretion, to work in partnership with any of the following:  A mentoring entity incorporated BEFORE 2004 which can be in but is not restricted to the architectural industry,  A mentoring foreign-incorporated entity which can be in but is not restricted to the architectural industry,  Professional individual(s) that may be an artist or designer or engineer or have a combination of expert skills the PROJECT LEAD deems would be a needful addition to their entry. Useful URLs For more information on the competition, please visit the Competition page.   The OUE Artling ArchiPavilion Competition FAQs: 1. To whom do the key competition criteria need to apply? These are the 3 key criteria for entry and they apply specifically to the Project Lead Architect Firm which is also the firm/entrant that submits the application: At least one employee / partner at the Project Lead Architect Firm is a BOA Registered Architect. At least one employee of the Project Lead Architect Firm is a Corporate Member of the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA). The Project Lead Architect Firm is incorporated in on after 2004 (thus fulfilling the competition’s definition of “young” architects). Please refer to Important Update as of 03 Dec 2014 2. In some of your press articles there was a mention of “young architectural practice”, what does “young” in this context mean?  This criteria applies to the Project Lead Architect Firm, herewith referred to as Project Lead.  The Project Lead may decide, at its own discretion, to work in partnership with any of the following:  (a) an entity incorporated BEFORE 2004 which can be in but is not restricted to the architectural industry,  (b) a foreign-incorporated entity which can be in but is not restricted to the architectural industry,  © professional individual(s) that may be an artist or designer or engineer or have a combination of expert skills the Project Lead deems would be a needfull addition to their entry. 3. Why “young architectural practice”? The organizers intend for the competition to incubate and provide opportunities for younger architectural firms who may not have the means to break through.  It is hoped that the platform will act as a launch-pad to capture international attention. The date of incorporation was chosen after studying other international competitions aimed at young architectural practices and after discussions amongst the Jury.   As stated above, the competition criteria does not preclude established practices from participating.  Entrants can also be partnerships between the young architectural practice and mentoring local or foreign firms, as long as the submitting firm is Singapore-incorporated and has one partner /director who is a member of the Singapore Institute of Architects.  Entrants, fulfilling the above criteria, can also collaborate with Artists provided the name of the artist is declared.  Please refer to Important Update as of 03 Dec 2014 4. Do you allow firms that were incorporated before 2004 to apply? The Firm submitting the entry, who is also the Project Lead Architect Firm, must be incorporated in or after 2004.  5. Can an associate member of Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA) apply? SIA Associate members are not eligible.  The Firm submitting the entry who is also the Project Lead Architect Firm, must have an employee or practicing partner who is Corporate member with the SIA.  Please refer to Important Update as of 03 Dec 2014 6. Is there any registration required in advance? No. The forms just need to be submitted together with your design proposals by the 23rd of Dec 2014. 7. Are there any registration fees? No, the registration is free. 8. Is the Registration Number on the registration form computer generated upon submission? No. This number shall be created entirely by the entrant, as long as it is a combination of 1 alphabet and 3 roman numbers. In the event of coincidental duplication, the organiser will assign an alternative number to the second entrant who will be informed via e-mail.  9. What is the location of the space where the winning design will be built? Subject to The Artling rising funds for the construction, the winning design will be built at The Lawn @ Marina Bay. The tentative plan is for the pop-up structure to be erected from 9 September to 30 September 2015. The exact location may be found here:   10. How will the prize money be paid? This will be paid in two installments.  50% will be presented at the Prize Winners Ceremony on 24 February 2015.  The remaining 50% will be presented no later than 30 days after the completion of the construction of the Pavilion. If, however, the construction does not go ahead, the remaining 50% will be paid no later than 14 days from the date of such announcement. 11. Who owns the IP for the Winning Designs? The IP belongs to The Artling. However, The Artling will attribute the winning designs to the respective Project Lead (and team if the submission is a Consortium).  12. Who will own the Winning Structure? The Artling will own the Winning Structure. 13. What does the budget of S$350,000 cover? The Criteria states “the Final Total Construction Cost of the pavilion shall not exceed $350,000.00.”  The budget applies to Construction and ME only.   The Artling will seek in-kind sponsorship to cover the costs for erecting the structure therefore the role of the Winner is one of advisor to the Pavilion project. 14. Who is responsible for the Liability Insurance of the erected structure? The Artling. 15. What is the minimum size of each of the spaces required? At least 60% of the space should be allocated to Artwork Display. The rest of the space should allow for a VIP dining room for 30 people, a small café, a champagne bar, a book corner and an auction/special events/talks room for a standing audience. This allocation will be subject to final evaluation and winners are required to amend the design if necessary at no additional fee.  16. Is storage space for the artworks, etc. required? No, this is not required. 17. Is Air Conditioning required? If so, for which spaces are they required for? All spaces should generally be air conditioned by temporary devices, especially the area for Artwork Display. But if designers can prove that certain non-critical areas can be naturally ventilated comfortably, their design can be considered. 18. For the Budget stated, does it include all M&E systems such as Air Conditioning, Lighting, etc.?  The budget of S$350K should be just for the Pavilion Architecture and Lighting. ACMV cost is not included in the construction budget.  19. Is Relative Humidity Control required? This is usually part of the ACMV cost, so it’s required but not part of the construction cost.  20. Is there an overall area requirement for the entire building? Ideally, the Pavilion should be around 7,000-8,000 sq ft. The location of the structure will be towards the Marina Boulevard (facing the Promontory) end of The Lawn, with the bulk of it located on the tiled area.  21. Are there specific space/occupancy requirements for the small cafe, champagne bar, book corner, or auction/special events/talks room?  The Dining Room should sit up to 30 people, and the Special Events cum Lounge cum Auction area should be able to accommodate up to 80 people standing. There are no specific requirements for the other areas.  22. Can you please clarify “sit atop and not rest on the grass surface area of the site of construction”?  Landlord URA has recommended to consider limiting the damage to the grass turf. Thus, ideally, the floor of the pavilion should be a raised platform. 

October 24, 2014