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10 Emerging American Photographers Making Their Mark

ByIsabella Damrongkul
10 Emerging American Photographers Making Their Mark

Omen by Kobi Walsh

Collecting emerging art is a worthy endeavor for both novice and experienced collectors. Defined as both growing and further becoming prominent, these emerging artists provide a unique perspective by pushing their artistic practices to communicate what is possible within the visual and conceptual spaces of art today.

In the article, The Artling shines a well-deserved spotlight on a diverse list of 10 emerging American photographers who are making their mark and pushing the genre forward.

Javiera Estrada

Javiera Estrada is a multi-media artist with a childhood heavily influenced by classical piano and violin which continues to inspire her art and aesthetic today. Her broad scope of work is a reflection of memories that she has shaped into her reality. She seeks the spiritual sensibilities and believes that every piece of art created is a self-portrait, a physical expression of that inner nameless world our soul inhabits. Estrada uses photography as her main visual medium where her creative expression encompasses traditional photography, mixed media, sculpture, installation and film.

Baldemar Fierro

Baldemar Fierro is a documentary photographer with a broad range of subject matter, focusing on creating complete photographs. Fierro aims to represent a moment as an experience without manipulation; an image that reflects the truth. He believes photographs express the fleeting honest beauty that is often overlooked and strives to present work that exudes visions of hope and optimism.

Zeren Badar

Zeren Badar is a New York-based, self-taught conceptual artist who is obsessed with art. His works are heavily inspired by the dada and neo-dada movements. He explores a peculiar combination of photography, collage, and painting to create unique photographic works. Badar’s works are quirky, fun and a great addition to a trendy art collection.

Adrienne Berry

Adrienne Berry is a black and white film photographer who shoots with 35mm and medium-format film using either a Leica M6 or Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex. Berry is passionate about architecture and its history as well as the Bauhaus movement. She enjoys pushing the traditional boundaries of what is a photo. Her works focus on the power of striking compositions and bold structures. She is a photographer who captures moments with intention, creating bold and structured photos.

Karen Olson

Karen Olson is a lens-based artist working at the intersection of human emotion and the natural world. In her works, she uses concept-based projects to explore the human-nature connection and its role in fostering mental health and communication. Working in photography and sculpture she employs the act of constructing, deconstructing, and reconstructing with both physical materials and digital files.

Reana Ashley

Reana Ashley is a Brooklyn based contemporary photographer. The artist has been a visual artist since the early 2000s with an unorthodox approach to work. Her love for photography was discovered at the age of 8 when she encountered her first disposable camera. The artist has an eye for unique beauty and a pop-culture enthusiast, giving her work a creative edge.  

Clint Mc Dowell

Clint Mc Dowell is a New York native photographer based in Rome, Italy. His artistic practice involves appropriating art, heavy but minimal postproduction and an elegant approach to exploring perception borders, icons, traditional dogmas, and absurd hyperboles. His works have been displayed in private collections and are exceptional examples of creative photography.

Kyle Hoffmann

Kyle Hoffmann was born in Racine, Wisconsin, USA and is currently residing and working in Sydney, Australia. His works are inspired by anthropomorphism and how objects are represented in different cultural contexts. He is fascinated by how the human mind crafts meaning from the inanimate and how the viewer’s personal history shapes that experience.

Zephyr Ivanisi

Zephyr Ivanisi is a fine art photographer based in New York City who discovered her love and passion for photography at a young age. She attended Parsons School of Design in Paris and graduated from the School of Visual arts in New York. Ivanisi works against the backdrop of New York City with her work often depicting tranquil moments in a turbulent city such as New York while she finds and captures textured chaos in nature.

Kobi Walsh

Kobi Walsh is a Brooklyn-based multi-disciplinary visual artist whose work investigates the relationship between light, space, and time in order to communicate the subjectivity of the present moment and the constancy of change. He captures intricate impressionistic fragments of light and time in order to parallel the fragile nature of our reality. He explores themes of authenticity without relying on digital manipulation. His works are a reflection of the present moment and are inspired by organic forms.

Browse our curated collection of emerging American photographers here.

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