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Gianmaria Della Ratta

Born: 1993

Hometown: Sant'Agata Dei Goti

Based in: Eindhoven

Gianmaria Della Ratta, born in 1993 in Sant’Agata dei Goti (BN), is an Italian designer.

His studio was founded in 2019 after obtaining his MA in Contextual Design at the Design Academy of Eindhoven (Holland), with the project “Pasta Shootah”. Currently, he is still in the Netherlands, where he, daily, dedicates himself to the realization of personal projects and collaboration with various companies, where he is often called to develop innovative projects in close consultation with the various research and development departments.

Abundance of expression and conceptual complexity coexist at the same time in his objects, amalgamated by the constant search for new production processes that often result in modern and innovative technologies used to overcome the current limitations of creation. Often starting from the origins of an object, he deconstructs it, to deepen its meaning, challenging the perception of material and immaterial and questioning the very sense of functionality. Through careful, cunning and uncommon digital manipulation, he manages to achieve completely unexpected and absolutely new results that not only distinguish his style but also give objects an attractive and never seen before aesthetic.

The unusual use of latest generation software is often part of his creative process that he pushes to the limit through choices mainly related to his intuition, which lead him to solutions not necessarily related to functional, aesthetic or market needs, but that results in a constant experimental and surprising approach.

To date, his work has been shown at Dutch Design Week 2018 and 2019, and in other smaller exhibitions where it has received approval from the general public as well as the press.
He was also a finalist and won several design and architecture awards both in Italy and abroad.


Collections Featuring Gianmaria Della Ratta

2 Collections

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Articles Featuring Gianmaria Della Ratta

1 Article



"Waste is more" Carrara 2_Mention


P.R.A.M. D.A.I._Firtst Prize


Settimana del Design Campano_Finalist