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Artist Name

Mathieu Frossard

Born: 1987

Hometown: Metz

Based in: Strasbourg

French-born maker living and working in France. He graduated first with a Bachelor in art and design from ESAD in Reims, France, then with a Master in design from the Design Academy in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.


More About Mathieu Frossard

Question IconWhat inspires you?

I don't have a specific and defined source of inspiration. I noticed things that trigger me, and they somehow get linked together with other references I have, resulting in ideas for new projects. These references could be found in the range of things I see, ear or read, going from tv shows, art, fashion and photographs or the music I listen to.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

I work in a quite intuitive way. I usually envision something and sort of visualize it in mind, then work on drawings and sketches, do tryouts with colors and materials, and come a bit closer by what is going to be the final piece step by step. Sometimes it evolves a bit, but I usually stay quite close from the first intention I had in mind. The end result could also lead to another project.

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

my eyes and my hands

Articles Featuring Mathieu Frossard

1 Article