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Primo Marella Gallery

Primo Marella GalleryLink to website of Primo Marella Gallery

Country: Italy

Founded in 1993, Primo Marella Gallery has witnessed a big expansion over the years. In December 2004 the gallery opened a new space in Beijing inside the prosperous 798 Art Factory Area, followed in 2007 by the opening of a new venue in Milan designed by the internationally acclaimed architect Claudio Silvestrin, who is responsible for the realization of many contemporary art locations worldwide, among which Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin and White Cube Gallery in London.

From the very beginning Primo Marella Galleries have been committed to the promotion and documentation of emerging artists and movements coming from different areas outside Europe, both through the organization of shows and the publication of books and catalogues, with the help and collaboration of local curators and critics.

Starting with China in the late Nineties, the focus of the gallery’s programs has touched different emerging areas, from Russia to India and from South East Asia to, more recently, Africa, always with the precise goal to pioneer in the presentation of such complex and constantly evolving artistic scenes.