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The A to Z of Art Prizes in Asia
Us at The Artling Artzine have compiled a list of current art prizes in Asia – your one stop fact sheet to finding out more on how you can get your works out in the art-sphere!
August 28, 2018
The Artling’s Top 5 Picks at The Signature Art Prize 2018
The $100,000 dollar Signature Art Prize returned for its 4th instalment this May, with one winner taking home $60,000, two Juror’s Choice recipients with $15,000 each, and a People’s Choice Award Winner with $10,000. With the winners announced just last week, us at The Artling share our top 5 picks from the 15 finalist's works:
July 05, 2018
Imagination is Reality – Southeast Asia Residency Programme
Singapore, March 2018 – ShanghART Singapore is pleased to present a collaborative exhibition by father-son artist duo Hu Jieming and Hu Weiyi. This exhibition is the result of ShanghART’s Southeast Asia residency programme for this year and showcases about 20 new works created during their travels in Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand since December 2017. The exhibition opens on Friday, 14 April 2018 and runs through 23 May 2018.
April 19, 2018
New award supports documentary photography projects in Southeast Asia
Objectifs seeks applications for the inaugural edition of the Objectifs Documentary Award. The award will give financial and professional support over a 6 month period to two photographers who are telling stories about their native communities through non-fiction visual storytelling. The final works will be exhibited at Objectifs in March 2019 as part of the Stories That Matter.
April 06, 2018
An Open Call For Research Proposals by Asia Art Archive
Asia Art Archive is calling for research proposals for The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Greater China Research Grant. Find out what it takes to be eligible and submit yours!
November 07, 2017
Research & Experimentation: NTU CCA's Artists-In-Residence
The Artling profiles the four artists currently participating in NTU CCA's Residencies programme.
October 02, 2017
IMPACT Awards 2017 for Artists and Curators
The IMPACT Awards 2017 is an initiative organised by Art Outreach Singapore that supports young visual artists and curators locally. Find out more about the cause!
August 11, 2017
10 Essential Artist Collectives in Asia You Should Know (Part 2)
In part two of our list of 10 Essential Artist Collectives in Asia You Should Know, we continue to look at collaborative efforts between artists to bring you both established and emerging collectives in the Asian contemporary art scene.
March 05, 2017
10 Essential Artist Collectives in Asia You Should Know (Part 1)
With Assemble being the first artist collective to win the Turner Prize in 2015, artist collectives have really come to the forefront of contemporary art. Here are five of ten Asian Contemporary artist collectives you should be familiar with.
February 22, 2017
Preview: REDBASE Foundation - Young Artist Award Exhibition 2016
The Artling is proud to be a media partner of the Young Artist Award Exhibition by REDBASE Foundation!
July 25, 2016
Jogja Independent Residency
Jogja Independent Residency Project (JIRP) was initiated in January 2014. JIRP is operated in-sync with Jogja Contemporary ( to support the dynamic of contemporary art practices regionally and internationally. JIRP's aim is to provide networking for their artists in residence, to facilitate the needs of interaction with the local artists, artisans and institutions in Jogjakarta. Their customized program is geared towards establishing a creative network, and endeavors to assist and collaborate with artists, artisans and institutions in the course of their research, projects, presentations or productions. The program aims to build a meaningful and multi-layered cultural exchange where an individual can explore his/her practice in a different environment and set of resources. 'Independent' being the operative word, the Artist in Residence is to finance all activities and programs. JIRP facilitates research, the artists in residence, public lecture, artist talk, exhibition and visitation programs. JIRP also provides accomodation, liason officers, assistance in conducting research, interviews or workshops, assistance to meet and interact with local sources through visits, assistance in workshop or creating art work and venues for public lecture, artist talk or exhibitions. At the moment JIRP is currently hosting: 1. Jorgen Doyle - Hannah Ekin Jorgen Doyle and Hannah Ekin are artist-researchers from Hobart, Tasmania, and members of the Arts Factory collective. They are interested in children’s geographies and architectures of childhood as a means of envisioning more just, more vibrant forms of city life. Another strand of interest is archaeologies of the contemporary past, and a belief in children’s capacities to see unexpected potentials in objects typically disregarded by adults. In doing so, children’s activities can offer critical comment on the built world beyond the immediate site of their activities. Facilitated by the Jogja Independent Residency Project and the ketjilbergerak collective, Jorgen and Hannah have spent the last two months living and working in Kampung Ratmakan. Drawing inspiration from the post-WWII ‘junk playground’ movement, largely built by children themselves from waste materials, they have established a playground based on similar principles. Situated on a plot of largely disused land beside the Kali Code, they have immersed themselves in turning over landfill, sifting soil from the waste, and collecting discarded, re-used and vernacular materials with which to assemble a process-based playground. 2. Kexin Zhang - Margaret Zhang Kexin is an artist, critic and curator. He met Indieguerrilas and Heri Dono from Jogja when they participated in the 4th Guangzhou Triennale in 2011, and since then has been interested to come and experience Indonesia and Jogja. Coming as a Buddhist in a communist country he wants to experience Indonesia, where the majority of the community is Muslim. He has come with ideas to 'touch' the Koran, and also became interested in the bird cages he finds and sees in most of Asian countries, especially in Jogja. Zhang is also the pioneer who devoted himself to, and has already accomplished, the establishment of an artistic link between China and the Southeast Asia. In 2011, he was one of the curators of the 4th Guangzhou Triennalle, the most important contemporary exhibition in China. In 2012, he was invited by Thailand’s Silpakorn University as a Visiting Professor. During the past nearly two decades, Zhang’s public image has been established as an outstanding artist with a distinctive style. Not only does he carry out various forms of art like installation, performance, digital imagery, painting, sculpture and new media, he also performs as a contemporary art critic and curator. He has written a great number of academic articles for several well-known international art media and has been the curator of many seriously themed exhibitions in major galleries. Zhang has always been an active and influential figure on Chinese, Southeast Asian and international art stage. He now lives and works in his studios in Beijing and Bangkok. In 2011, Zhang was one of curators at Guangzhou Triennale, where 2 Indonesian artists participated, they are Heri Dono and Indieguerillas. Since then Zhang was eager to visit Indonesia and Jogjakarta in particular. With his wife, Margaret, facilitated by Indieguerillas, Langgeng Art Foundation and JIRP, they had an independent residency on 1 – 30 September 2015. Apart from having ocular and get to know Jogja artists, Zhang had a presentation at IVAA and an exhibition at Langgeng Art Foundation. For more information on JIRP, please click here. Text and images from Jogja Independent Residency Project Any views or opinions in the interview are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the company or contributors.
September 19, 2015
Artists Collectives in Yogyakarta
Find out more about three of the top artist collectives in Jogjakarta: Cemeti Art House, Mes56 and Forum Ceblang Ceblung.
August 26, 2015