Gabriel Tarmassi
Hometown: Bamberg
Based in: Bamberg
Hometown: Bamberg
Based in: Bamberg
Gabriel Tarmassi is an artist and designer based in Bamberg, Germany.
He creates sculptures and objects from wood, intersecting the categories of art, design and craft. Gabriel´s process focuses on the direct contact with the material, so that each of his creations is a handmade original work of art.
Gabriel Tarmassi describes his inspiration in the following artist statement:
"I feel drawn to wood from early childhood memories on. As a kid, nothing excited me more than playing around in the forest with sticks and branches, seeing what I could create with the forms that nature provided. The sensory experiences of touching a raw piece of timber, exploring the grain or getting haptic feedback from the material during the work process are still a central part of my identity and the reason I decided to commit myself to working with wood professionally. The abstract language of my pieces is influenced by the organic nature of the material and the experience of wandering around in vast and wild landscapes.
With my work I want to offer the vision of a holistic relationship between mankind and our natural surroundings. This connectedness and belonging is my personal perspective on the age-old question “What is man in the cosmos?”.
Back when we were still hunters and gatherers roaming around in bleak deserts, conquering mountains or exploring the wide open sea, these environments not only had a huge influence on our bodies, but just as much on our consciousness. We see a distinct shape or pattern and it instantly reminds us of something “out there”. Conversely, we as humanity have a large impact on the condition of the planet we live on. Today more than ever.
This mutual relationship is crucial to my work process. I often have a certain idea of a piece, but I aim to respect the natural beauty of the wood and integrate it into the final work. Through this co-design approach I perceive myself simultaneously as creature and creator. I feel as a part of the boundless realm of nature, while at the same time expressing my own “inner landscapes” in a medium that represents the natural world."
With my work I want to offer the vision of a holistic relationship between mankind and our natural surroundings. This connectedness and belonging is my personal perspective on the age-old question “What is man in the cosmos?”.
What inspires you?
I find inspiration in shapes and structures occuring in our natural surroundings. Most of the time though it is the material itself that i am interpreting on my own way.
Describe your creative process.
Starting with a certain idea of an art piece, it is only by hand and eye that i develop the organic structures defining my works. Thus i give every piece time to grow and eventually mature.
What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
Just start creating - the rest comes during the process
1 Article
Enchanting Design Items for the Perfect Wabi Sabi Shelf
October 04, 2023
Academy for Design in the skilled crafts, Munich
Germany, 2018
Stateprize of the county of Hessen, Germany
FORM, Bundesverband Kunsthandwerk
Masterprize, chamber for crafts Munich
Nature Inspired, Through Objects (online)
Portugal, 2021
Winter Exhibition, Studio Nonne11, Bamberg
Germany, 2021
TALENTE, Munich IHM international design fair
Germany, 2019
FORM, Bundesverband Kunsthandwerk, Frankfurt a. Main
Germany, 2019
Handwerksform, Handwerkskammer Hannover
Germany, 2019
".studio" Magazine of German Crafts Association