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Artist Name

Kristin Holm Dybvig

Born: 1963

Hometown: Stavanger

Based in: Stavanger

I live and work on the West coast of Norway, close to the North Sea and the deep Fjords.

Colour have fascinated and kindled my imagination my whole life, it has been the main ingredient in my work throughout my years. The opportunities that presented themselves sent me on different paths.  I made a career as an Art-Director in a advertising agency, some years later I was ready to try something new and wanted a new direction in my life. I  moved to England where I studied Art and Art Therapy, I did my art training at Tobias School of Art in East Sussex, and got my diploma in 1997. Back in Norway I worked as an Art Therapist mainly with children and young adults. In the last years I have devoted all my time to my artwork.

My artworks is a mix of lyrical landscapes and abstracted colour poetry. I use everyday experiences, memories and flashbacks to seek self-insight, while at the same time striving to make them into delightful experiences for the viewer to explore. These vivid explorations of feelings, memories and perspectives remain ambiguous on the paper, as the subject often dissolve into colour moods and remain in the abstract.

I want to convey my perception of these old landscapes to the viewer, to visualise the abundant beauty and vulnerability of the nature we are so dependent on. I'm captivated by nature that is unscarred by human activity and by using the veil of memories while I create them, my artworks are imbued by the whole experience and contain the impressions of sounds, smell and emotions as well as mood, colour and shapes. These lyrical landscapes are not pictures of actual places, they are made from memories and one could call them soul-moods, as they express emotions and a state of mind as much as a landscape.

Standing in a landscape without traces of human activity merge the experience of the past and the present. The timelessness of these old landscapes stop time and create moments of longevity. My grandmother or her mother could be standing in these landscapes and the land would have looked much the same, thus connecting me with moments long gone. By conserving these golden moments I make my own brand of permanence and bring together the present and the future.

I like to paint serenity and calmness into my art and like to think about myself as an conservator of quiet moments and blissful transience - it goes well with the poetic palette I use to express my lyrical impressions.


Kristin Holm Dybvig In The Studio

The love of color combined with a fascination for untouched landscapes are the main ingredients in and inspiration for my work. I find the timelessness of old landscapes to unite the experience of thepast and thepresent. The colors embody my subjective experience as I draw on my memories, and elevate the subject from place to atmosphere on the papers surface.

main image

More About Kristin Holm Dybvig

Question IconWhat inspires you?

To journey through landscapes

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

I work with flashbacks and memories and incarnate them on paper using colour as mediator

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Colourpoetry, femininty, strength

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

One of my all time favourites are Yang Din for composition and serenity, but there is also Helen Frankenthaler, her colour work is timeless and the lyrical qualities of Georgia O'Keefe.

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

My imaginationa and hands

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Believe in your self, only you can create your artwork.

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

I like to visit unchanged landscapes , places that's without traces of human activity. To experience the timelessness of nature. I like to collect memories of places, of moods that stay with me and become incentives for new work.

Collections Featuring Kristin Holm Dybvig

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