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Oskar Zięta

Born: 1975

Hometown: Zielona Góra

Based in: Wroclaw

Oskar Zięta is an artist fascinated with the formal properties of metals, which he transforms into sculptures that play with the senses, often intimidate with their scale and cross the border between what is possible and what is only imagined. In his works, he uses his original method of metal forming, which gives him endless possibilities of manipulating the material, while not depriving it of authenticity and craftsmanship naturality.

Zieta creates both sculptures based on mathematical precision, as well as organic objects that question Euclidean geometry. His projects are the result of a close relationship between man and the material, a practice already exercised by his father Jan and grandfather Bolesław. While they forged steel with the help of their own hands and heavy tools, Oskar Zięta in his work uses more sophisticated machining methods. He is a 4.0 blacksmith who carves with data, which he materializes in the form of sculptures – that give the impression of being subtly shaped by the natural forces. They contain the truth about the material from which they are made – Zięta deforms and stabilizes metal with internal pressure, on the basis of meticulously collected information about it. How will it behave under the influence of a certain force? How will a polished surface reflect its surroundings? How will the context influence the reception of a given form? These are the questions that Zięta faces during the creative process based on the idea of ​​a controlled loss of control. At the same time, he leaves the material a considerable margin of freedom, thanks to which he enters into a dialogue with it both in the virtual and real world – transforming bits into atoms, and these again into bit representations. Thanks to this cooperation with the material, his objects are characterized by a dose of precisely planned poetics.

Oskar Zięta, born in 1975, is an architect, artist, craftsman and process designer, and the founder of Zieta Studio. He lives and works in Wrocław. He holds a PhD from Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zurich. In 2010, he created his first works on an architectural scale, including Blow & Roll installation for the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The sculpture, composed of profiles inflated on the spot, contained an element of fun and performance, which is present to this day in the work of the artist still experimenting with scale and form, as well as with the aesthetic potential of steel structures.

He is the creator of the highest sculpture in public space in Poland, called Wir (Warsaw 2017), as well as the urban sculpture of Nawa (Wrocław 2017), which contributed to the revitalization of the surrounding area. In 2019, Nawa was nominated for the prestigious award in the field of contemporary architecture – the European Mies van der Rohe Award.

Oskar Zięta’s works belong to the collections of such museums like the Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich, the Pinakothek in Munich, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.


Oskar Zięta In The Studio

I don’t want to be a role model for creating forms but for the hard work and research I’ve been doing for years, and the risks I took to develop new technology.

main image

More About Oskar Zięta

Question IconWhat inspires you?

The source of endless inspiration is for me the material itself. I work with metal and what stimulates me creatively is the process of discovering its formal and technological properties. I love experimenting with metal to the point where I leave it the space to transform according to its own rules.

Question IconDescribe your creative process.

I always start with the consciousness of material's physical and aesthetic possibilities. I've been working with steel and other metals for so long now that I can somehow feel how it will behave during the process of forming it. And I instinctively invent ideas that are within the reach of the technology I work with, FiDU. In the creative and making-of process, I let the material itself adjust its shape freely in what I call "a controlled loss of control". In my designs, I love discovering the endless opportunities of shapes and surface qualities of steel, aluminium and copper.

Question IconWhat are 3 words that best describe your work?

Controlled loss of control, deformations, light metal

Question IconWho are some artists that have influenced your work?

What inspires me is the work of architects and designers such as Buckminster Fuller, Jean Prouve or Gio Ponti. In what I do, the form is a side product of the processes I use – the most important for me is the structure and the manufacturing method – optimized and resultant of throughout calculations. This is why I also like minimalist art with its primacy of geometric technologist structures: Carl Andre or Donald Judd, Richard Serra... I also value the experimental dimension of Olafur Eliasson’s and Anish Kapoor’s oeuvre.

Question IconWhat is the most important tool when creating your work?

My pencil and the FiDU technology are the tools I use in the creative process.

Question IconWhat is the best piece of advice you have been given?

At the beginning of my experiments with metal, everyone told me not to follow the path I was interested in – of exploring the steel stabilization technologies. Turns out, it was the best advice I was given, because I always follow my own instinct and I did everything contrary to the good advice I was given when I was younger.

Question IconWhere do you go for inspiration?

I get inspiration from the technological processes and experiments with metal forming. It motivates me and leads me to discover new solutions. Bionics is also important in my work. I’m fascinated with the natural forms such as insects' chitinous skeletons or bird bones – extremely delicate and beautiful, but also stable and durable.

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Swiss Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zürich

Switzerland, 2003

Szczecin University of Technology

Poland, 2000


MATERIALICA Design + Technology Award


Mies van der Rohe Prize Nomination for NAWA


German Design Award


Audi Mentor Preis by A & W


Design Preis der Bundesrepublik


German Design Council Prize


Forum Aid Award


DMY Award for Innovation in production process


YDMI Award Derman Design Council


Red Dot Award