Rimma Savina
Born: 1988
Hometown: Elektrougli
Based in: Elektrougli
Born: 1988
Hometown: Elektrougli
Based in: Elektrougli
At the present time, I am exploring the subconscious processes of the human psyche through abstract painting.
Developing my artistic style, I was inspired by the technique of Russian brush painting, in which different paints are applied separately to the brush. In my experiments, I developed an independent technique, alternately dipping the entire brush in different paints, which reveal themselves in their layering on the canvas with the help of driving movements.
At the present time, I am exploring the emotional states of a person through abstract painting. Thus, abstract motifs on canvases resemble structures, textures and scales of natural forms, which are complemented by an expressive set of thoughts in the style of automatic writing by Cy Twombly.
What inspires you?
In my works, I study the inner world of a person, focusing on feelings, emotions, inner feelings and states of a person.
Describe your creative process.
Developing my artistic style, I was inspired by the technique of Russian brush painting, in which different paints are applied separately to the brush. In my experiments, I developed an independent technique, alternately dipping the entire brush in different paints, which reveal themselves in their layering on the canvas with the help of driving movements. At the end of the work, they are complemented by an expressive set of thoughts in the style of automatic writing by Cy Twombly.
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
Expressive, contrasting, deep
Who are some artists that have influenced your work?
Sy Twombly, Lee Krasner, Jackson Pollock
What is the most important tool when creating your work?
Spontaneity of painting without sketches
Where do you go for inspiration?
I am constantly studying, reading books on self-development. This is the best inspiration.
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