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Art Fairs & Exhibitions

ARTJOG 2022 is Back with "Expanding Awareness"

ARTJOG 2022 is Back with "Expanding Awareness"

The largest annual contemporary art event in Indonesia, ARTJOG, is back at the Jogja National Museum (JNM) from 7 July to 4 September 2022! With Expanding Awareness as its title, this year's edition is the estuary of the ARTJOG arts-in-common series, which has been held since 2019 in triplet thematic: 'space', 'time', and 'awareness'. The idea of expanding awareness is an entry point to reflect on things that are happening around us and the actual condition we live in today as well as to understand that which has not happened. 

July 18, 2022

Masterpieces of Modern Art: The Picasso Century at NGV International, Melbourne

Masterpieces of Modern Art: The Picasso Century at NGV International, Melbourne

From 10 June - 9 Oct 2022, the world-premiere Melbourne Winter Masterpieces exhibition, The Picasso Century, will be on at NGV International in Melbourne. This exhibition charts the extraordinary career of Pablo Picasso in dialogue with the many artists, poets, and intellectuals with whom he intercepted and interacted throughout the 20th century. These artists include Guillaume Apollinaire, Georges Braque, Salvador Dalí, Alberto Giacometti, Françoise Gilot, Valentine Hugo, Marie Laurencin, Dora Maar, André Masson, Henri Matisse, Dorothea Tannin, and Gertrude Stein. 

June 15, 2022

Ever Present: First Peoples Art of Australia opens at the National Gallery of Singapore

Ever Present: First Peoples Art of Australia opens at the National Gallery of Singapore

From 27 May to 25 September 2022, National Gallery Singapore showcases the rich artistic practice of the world’s oldest living culture with its latest exhibition "Ever Present: First Peoples Art of Australia". This exhibition surveys over 170 historical and contemporary works by 150 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists from Australia. The largest exhibition of its kind to travel to Asia, the artworks draw from the collections of the National Gallery of Australia and The Westfarmers Collection of Australian Art and show deep interconnections between past and present, as well as extraordinary artistic innovation. This exhibition is also supported by Touring Partner Australian Government through the Office for the Arts, Lead Partner Singtel and Strategic Partner Cultural Matching Fund. These visually captivating works produced by the Aboriginal and Torres Islander artists highlight the diversity of First Peoples art, with works as far back as 1890 until the present. The diverse works range from paintings, video installations, and bark paintings to sculptures and cutting-edge contemporary art.

May 27, 2022

"Watching" by Abdul-Rahman Abdullah and Anna Louise Richardson at West Space Gallery

"Watching" by Abdul-Rahman Abdullah and Anna Louise Richardson at West Space Gallery

"Watching" is an upcoming collaborative exhibition by Abdul-Rahman Abdullah and Anna Louise Richardson, which will run from 14 May - 26 June 2022 at West Space Gallery, Collingwood Yards. The works in this exhibition convey feelings of being approached, watched, or singled out by wild or domestic animals. They also capture the emotive resonance of these moments, reflecting ideas of death, fear and preternatural communication with the natural world. Raising a young family in a rural environment, the exhibition builds on the artists’ shared experiences to articulate personal stories that voice their relationships with other living creatures. "Watching" embraces both the magic and fantasy of childhood and the pragmatism of living in close proximity to nature, renewing mythologies about the cyclical processes of life. 

May 10, 2022

Low Yield Fruit by Nathan Beard at swea pea Gallery

Low Yield Fruit by Nathan Beard at swea pea Gallery

On view from 26 March - 7 May 2022 at the swea pea Gallery, Low Yield Fruit is Nathan's new body of sculptural work that was inspired by the complex personal, cultural, and colonial histories of his Australian-Thai heritage. He draws from his research on the trade and export of tropical fruits between Thailand and Australia.  The works exhibited comprise detailed silicone casts of tropical fruits exported from Thailand to Australia, such as durians, mangos, mangosteens and jackfruits, and limes which were harvested from the artist’s late mother’s garden. These fleshy fruits are spiked precariously on top of rigid steel frames and bronze forms enlarged from scanned details of hands and heads from Buddhist shrine statues, accented with shimmering resin pools of juices. These totem-like forms are personal artefacts that are manifestations of his cultural memory which are imbued with layers of symbolic meaning. 

May 06, 2022

Art Jakarta Gardens 2022

Art Jakarta Gardens 2022

Art Jakarta returns this year with Art Jakarta Gardens, a new, innovative, fresh, and open-space concept, held at Hutan Kota by Plataran from 7 to 14 April 2022. This year’s art fair is supported by Credit Suisse, Hutan Kota and Tumurun Museum. Mr. Mailana Indraguna Sutowo, CEO of MRA Group says “Art Jakarta Gardens is the realization of our current commitment to rebuilding the cooperative enthusiasm, which has always been the main driver of the art ecosystem in Indonesia. Hopefully, this event can signal the re-opening of the social space that was closed, through the appreciation and enjoyment of artworks.”

April 11, 2022

The Best of Venice Biennale 2022

The Best of Venice Biennale 2022

The Artling's guide to the best of Venice Biennale 2022. Curated by Cecilia Alemani, this year’s Art Biennale titled The Milk of Dreams will include 80 National Participations.

April 08, 2022

The Artling Presents: Giorgiana Theiler's Solo Exhibition at kasa. kaisin., Zurich

The Artling Presents: Giorgiana Theiler's Solo Exhibition at kasa. kaisin., Zurich

In collaboration with kasa. kaisin., The Artling is excited to announce our first exhibition in Europe featuring the young Swiss artist Giorgiana Theiler. Theiler is a South African Italian - born Swiss Artist raised and living in Zurich, Switzerland. She graduated with a BA Hons in Communication Design with a pathway in Photography in 2018. She was scouted by a professor at the Royal College of Art, London and subsequently completed a Masters degree in Information Experience Design in 2020.  Her recent body of work revolves around the utilisation of information to create an experience of the senses through different design aspects, with colour theory and abstract expressionism as highly significant themes. Giorgiana’s work epitomises the finer detail usually concealed from the naked eye but made visible through technology. In implementing this method, she wishes to add her contribution to the enhancement of personal well-being. She draws her influential energy and inspiration from visual artists such as Gerard Richter, Felipe Pantone, and cultural artists Jeff Koons. 

February 22, 2022

The Artling at LIAIGRE, Singapore: A Solo Exhibition by Shih Yun Yeo

The Artling at LIAIGRE, Singapore: A Solo Exhibition by Shih Yun Yeo

In collaboration with Liaigre Singapore, The Artling is thrilled to announce an exhibition by acclaimed Singaporean artist Shih Yun Yeo. Known for her reinterpretations of ink paintings and her experimental fusion of the traditional form, Shih Yun Yeo’s artworks fit harmoniously into Liaigre’s showroom interiors where her art will be the centre of any dialogue. With Liaigre’s mission to share meaningful experiences as well as provide a meeting place for artists, collectors and private customers, Yeo’s dynamic works create a space in which the contemporary spirit thrives. The exhibition is on view from 3 February 2022, Monday to Saturday, 10am to 7pm at Liaigre Singapore, 9 Purvis Street, 01-01.

February 11, 2022

Exploring Paphonsak La-or’s Prospects: Mit Jai Inn's Latest Exhibition

Exploring Paphonsak La-or’s Prospects: Mit Jai Inn's Latest Exhibition

In 'Paphonsak La-or's Prospects', Mit Jai Inn explores the narrative of Thai artist Paphonsak La-or's artworks which address Thailand's political issues present in Thailand. This impressive exhibition is held at 39+ Art Space and will run from 15 January to 12 March in Singapore. Mit Jai Inn is at the forefront of Thailand's contemporary art scene and is well known for his large-scale abstract paintings that appear to envelop viewers in the canvas.

January 28, 2022

INTO THE WOODS: Crafted from Yoshino Nature

INTO THE WOODS: Crafted from Yoshino Nature

The third edition of INTO THE WOODS introduces the ideas and innovations of a new generation of craftspeople dedicated to preserving the Yoshino forests. Crafted from Yoshino Nature showcases their products—birthed from the perfect union of Nature and Human—which were created to bring us the beauty of Yoshino Wood, and back into the cycle of forming our own relationships with nature.  

December 15, 2021

'Parallel Universes: Parafacts And Parafictions': Exhibition Installation Images

'Parallel Universes: Parafacts And Parafictions': Exhibition Installation Images

The Artling proudly opened its latest exhibition ‘Parallel Universes: Parafacts and Parafictions’ in Shanghai on 10 November. ‘Parallel Universes: Parafacts and Parafictions’ transforms the building’s colonial architecture into a platform that stages a heightened experience that brings the community together, exploring the dynamics between different genres and mediums. In understanding and reinterpreting the world around us, the participating artists present their visions through fictional readings of reality. The fine line that defines reality and fiction is ever more blurred. This confusion provides opportunities to critically examine the actual world and reconsider the potential of our present experience. This exhibition also questions – within our own narrow sense of what we deem real or unreal – the existence of other realities that allow for very different possibilities to exist. Fiction in one world may be a reality in another. The full artist lineup includes Aspartime, Carlos Sebastia and Jane Pickersgill, Ce Jian, Chen Xiaoyi, Chen Zhe, Gao Lei, Hu Weiyi, Joey Xia, John Monteith, Li Jinghu, Li Tao, Pu Yingwei, Ren Bo, Yang Guangnan, and Zhang Miao.This exhibition is held at the Design Republic Commune and will be on from 10 November to 9 January 2022.Scroll down to see images of the artworks in the exhibition! 

November 15, 2021
