Remi Delaplace
Born: 1972
Hometown: PARIS
Based in: PARIS
Born: 1972
Hometown: PARIS
Based in: PARIS
Rémi Delaplace lives and works in Paris. He graduated from a Master2 in plastic arts "Contemporary Arts and New Media" at the University of Paris 8 in 2011.
The practice of contact dance nourishes her artistic work. It questions our relationship to space and its representation.
Rémi Delaplace regularly exhibits in galleries (Circé, Akie Arichi, Exit ...), in salons (Lineart in Belgium, Mac Paris, YIA, Pontault Combault, Réalités Nouvelles ...), in China (Guoyi Art Museum in Beijing , International Art Exchange of Museum in Hangzhou), in art library (Persan Beaumont, St Cloud ...). Prix "Art Absolument 2023"
What inspires you?
My painting work is intimately linked to my practice of improvised dance. It is crossed by themes: gravitation, trajectory, levitation, fall ... which come directly from the "contact dance". It is about new ways of inhabiting the world, space.
Describe your creative process.
I usually works with the process adapted at my project. It is a relationship between spontaneous creativity and research on computer for the constrcution
What are 3 words that best describe your work?
Who are some artists that have influenced your work?
James Turrell, Rovner Michal, Lyglia Clark
What is the most important tool when creating your work?
Usually I create with my hands, brushes ...and computer
What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
Work in mindfulness
Where do you go for inspiration?
I do not create from the reality. A part of my work is to think the representation from abstract. The search for shapes is done in the space of the project created on a computer
France, 2011
Exposition iternationnale d'art Paris 2022, Galerie ARTES
France, 2022
"Embodiment" Solo exhibition
France, 2020
" Confluencia" Collective exhibition
Spain, 2019
"Ce que nous voyons nous regarde", Solo exhibition
France, 2019
-"Yia" Young international artists, Artfairs
France, 2019
"Antigallerie" Paris, Collective exhibition
France, 2019
" Parcours d'artistes" Collective exhibition
France, 2019
" Tumulte" Ecla, Collective exhibition
France, 2018
"30ans!", association Florence, Collective exhibition
France, 2017
Les Estivales"Solo exhition
France, 2016
"Travaux papiers" Galerie Akie Arichi, Collective exhibition
France, 2015
" All are guests" Galerie Exit, Collective exhibition
France, 2015
Mac Paris, Paris, Artfairs
France, 2015
" Landscape otherwise"Galerie Akie Arichi
France, 2014
-GUOYI ART MUSEUM, Fine Art Gallery, Beijing, Collective exhibition
China, 2014
Art'ifices,Collective exhibition
France, 2014
-Salon Réalités Nouvelles, Paris Artfairs
France, 2014
" Traits de génie"Galerie Circe
France, 2013
Galerie Circe, Lille, Lineart Artfair
Belgium, 2012
"Forward": International Art Exchange of Museum, Hangzhou
China, 2011