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New & Noteworthy: July 2022

ByKaren Yu
New & Noteworthy: July 2022

Herbarium 3 by Simonida Djordjevic

July is here and The Artling is bringing you a refreshing curation of artworks for this month to expand your collection! Relieving from the warm summer air of June, our July 2022 curation breathes cool yet dynamic energy with a range varying of NFT, drawing, painting, photography, sculpture and mixed-media pieces.

Let our selection of delicately curated pieces for the month of July intrigue you!

Starting off with a photographic edition of 3 by Ken Lerner, who has manipulated a simple image of a shiny surface of his apartment building through methods of distortion. Reflection Off a Glossy Surface 1z10 encapsulates the abstraction of what initially was simple imagery, by extracting a part of the original image and duplicating it 4 times as well as recombining and flipping them horizontally and/or vertically. 

A play on perspectives shows up in Palengenesis where Austin James Hunt pushes a visual metaphor of looking within oneself through the composition of a rotating doorway. The monochromatic tiles form a hollow cube shifted at an angle heightening the visual illusion of a 3D piece on a 2D-shaped panel, making for a trippy piece captured through the lens of an artist fascinated by personal reflections and life experiences.

Grounded in reality, Abhijit Das pushes for a narrative involving the conflicts between nature and society in The Judgemental Lines. This mixed media piece condenses the reflections of how the essence of nature goes beyond political boundaries whilst the societal entity pushes nature back in line to conform to the ways of the modern system. 

The coarse lines and muted earthy color palette pushes the aesthetic representation of this conflicting narrative. 

UR M1.1 by Nae Zerka fuses both digitalization and transformation together by pushing the dialogue of digitalization in the age of the metaverse and toying around the concept of digitizing human beings. Nae voices digital transformation through UR M1.1 where he creates digital 3D meshes from portrait photographs, distorted and painted over them.

Overall, making this piece a statement of objectivity and truth.

Totalizing color and pattern, Herbarium 3 by Simonida Djordjevic delivers pleasurable compositional rhythms through her painting that emphasizes the utmost carefree expression. Djordjevic's works are heavily inspired by nature where her creations express the rawness yet ecstatic qualities found in nature through the bold color palettes and harmonious brush strokes.

Extreme illustrates itself true to its title through the bold color choice and finishing of purple and glossy lacquer. Sergey Borisov encapsulated the movement of a motorbike in motion through the dynamic curves and shapeless composition of this sculpture. The glossy lacquer has created the impression of the hardware of a vehicle and the confident open stature emphasizes the active illusion of movement, making for a spirited piece!

Stills and blissfulness reside in this minimal photographic collage by Kazuyo Kawatoko, capturing the mundanity in her travelling journey through countries like Southeast Asia, Nepal, South Africa, the United States, Mexico, etc. -REM- Dreaming #1 (2022) is delicately comprised in the lens of Kawatoko whilst basking in the admiration of selective anecdotes of places and people she has met, making for a surreal yet euphorically simple piece.

Capturing night within the movement of thick waves illustrated with waterproof calligraphy, Lali Torma seized the turbulent and volatile nature of sea movements representing a subconscious dream. This condensed tidal work, Very Dark Blue Tideenvelopes the viewer in the mystic darkness of the ocean, evoking a sense of impact and a moment of gush.

Corps Céleste comprises a multitude of mediums that mirrors Zdenka Palkovic's vibrational energy and intuition. Letting the medium sprawl across the canvas whilst orchestrating an abstract composition delivers a sensation of internalization of Palkovic's emotions, bridging the notion of dream and matter in a single canvas.


Onyx makes for a dark yet sensual wall piece in striking black wrapped with opulent orange and spicy hot pink motifs, handmade by Julee Latimer. Though inspired by a piece of scrunched-up paper, Onyx is doused in elegance with a variety of different kinds of glass and golden mirrors that pays homage to a throwaway society through its art form. 

We hope you've enjoyed our selection for July 2022! If you wish to see more, browse our collection here!

Any views or opinions in the post are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the company or contributors.

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